Gmail under attack
Something phishy
A Chinese cyber-attack on a jumpy America
THE more onerous internet security in the office becomes, the more attractive easy-to-useservices such as Googles Gmail. This paradox is at the heart of what looks like a big cyber-attack by China against the private e-mail accounts of hundreds of seniorofficials, military types and journalists from America and Asian countries, chiefly South Korea.
Google says it has detected and disrupted this campaign, first noted in February by ablogger, Mila Parkour. Unlike previous Chinese attacks on Google, which involved heavyweightcryptographic attacks on its software, this one was clever but simple. Targets receivedplausible-seeming phishing e-mails, often sent from faked State Department addresses, witha subject line such as Fw: Draft US-China joint statement and an attachment. Clicking onthat produced a bogus Gmail screen. Anyone unwise enough to give their login and passwordwould make their past and future e-mails, and contacts, available to the snooper.
Google has tense relations with the Chinese authorities. In 2010 it stopped co-operating withtheir censorship efforts, moving its servers to Hong Kong; it is struggling to renew licences itneeds for its other operations . Now it is talking to the FBI.
But the target of the attack is Googles customers. The Chinese government denies having anypart in the scam, but the e-mails seem to have come from the eastern city of Jinan, home to aChinese military cyberwarfare unit and a college blamed for other attacks on America. This onecomes at a time when people there are already jumpy about electronic security. LockheedMartin, the governments main information-technology provider, said last week that it hadexperienced a significant and tenacious attack. A forthcoming Pentagon report says thatcyber-attacks could in future prompt a military response. Shooting careless officials would bea start.
Gmail under attack
Something phishy
A Chinese cyber-attack on a jumpy America
THE more onerous internet security in the office becomes, the more attractive easy-to-useservices such as Googles Gmail. This paradox is at the heart of what looks like a big cyber-attack by China against the private e-mail accounts of hundreds of seniorofficials, military types and journalists from America and Asian countries, chiefly South Korea.
Google says it has detected and disrupted this campaign, first noted in February by ablogger, Mila Parkour. Unlike previous Chinese attacks on Google, which involved heavyweightcryptographic attacks on its software, this one was clever but simple. Targets receivedplausible-seeming phishing e-mails, often sent from faked State Department addresses, witha subject line such as Fw: Draft US-China joint statement and an attachment. Clicking onthat produced a bogus Gmail screen. Anyone unwise enough to give their login and passwordwould make their past and future e-mails, and contacts, available to the snooper.
Google has tense relations with the Chinese authorities. In 2010 it stopped co-operating withtheir censorship efforts, moving its servers to Hong Kong; it is struggling to renew licences itneeds for its other operations . Now it is talking to the FBI.
But the target of the attack is Googles customers. The Chinese government denies having anypart in the scam, but the e-mails seem to have come from the eastern city of Jinan, home to aChinese military cyberwarfare unit and a college blamed for other attacks on America. This onecomes at a time when people there are already jumpy about electronic security. LockheedMartin, the governments main information-technology provider, said last week that it hadexperienced a significant and tenacious attack. A forthcoming Pentagon report says thatcyber-attacks could in future prompt a military response. Shooting careless officials would bea start.