Harmonizing liver-spleen 調和肝脾
Heart fire hyperactivity 心火亢盛
Heart-kidney Yang deficiency 心腎陽虛
Heart Yang hypoactivity 心陽不振
Healthy Qi 正氣
Hectic fever 潮熱
Hemorrhage Zheng 血證
Insomnia 失眠
Inspection 望診
Intergeneration 相生
Inter-restriction 相克
Inter-subjuation 相乘
Irregular pulse 結代脈
Kidney Yang deficiency 腎陽虛
Kidney Yin deficiency 腎陰虛
Large intestine damp-heat 大腸濕熱
Large pulse 大脈
Leukorrhea 白帶
Liver fire flaming 肝火上炎
Liver-stomach disharmony 肝胃不和
Liver wind agitation 肝風內動
Liver Yang rising 肝陽上亢
Liver Yin deficiency 肝陰虛
Long pulse 長脈
Longer menstrual interval 月經后期
Loose stool 便溏
Lung heart 肺熱
Lung Qi deficiency 肺氣虛
Lung Qi impairment 肺氣失宣
Measles 麻疹
Menstrual irregularities 月經失調
Merdian-collateral theory 經絡學說
Meridial distribution 歸經
Mutual promotion 相須
Night sweat 盜汗
Nine orifices 九竅
Normal pulse 平脈
Nourishing blood and liver 養血柔肝
Pale tongue 淡白舌
Palpation 切診
Palpitation 心悸
Pathogenesis 病機
Peeled coating 剝脫苔
Pestilence 疫癘
Pharynx neurosis 梅核氣
Phlegm-damp obstructing lung 痰濕阻肺
Pill 丸
Pores 玄府
Principal and subordinate 標本
Pulse condition 脈象
Pulse-taking 脈診
Purgation-tonifying 攻補兼施
Qi-blood and fluid 氣血津液
Qi deficiency 氣虛
Qi depression 氣滯
Qi function 氣機
Rapid pulse 數脈
Relaxing bowels 潤腸通便
Removing stasis to promote blood circulation 化瘀行血
Resolving damp, aromatic 芳香化濕
Resuscitation 開竅
Retch 干嘔
Reverse restriction 相侮
Harmonizing liver-spleen 調和肝脾
Heart fire hyperactivity 心火亢盛
Heart-kidney Yang deficiency 心腎陽虛
Heart Yang hypoactivity 心陽不振
Healthy Qi 正氣
Hectic fever 潮熱
Hemorrhage Zheng 血證
Insomnia 失眠
Inspection 望診
Intergeneration 相生
Inter-restriction 相克
Inter-subjuation 相乘
Irregular pulse 結代脈
Kidney Yang deficiency 腎陽虛
Kidney Yin deficiency 腎陰虛
Large intestine damp-heat 大腸濕熱
Large pulse 大脈
Leukorrhea 白帶
Liver fire flaming 肝火上炎
Liver-stomach disharmony 肝胃不和
Liver wind agitation 肝風內動
Liver Yang rising 肝陽上亢
Liver Yin deficiency 肝陰虛
Long pulse 長脈
Longer menstrual interval 月經后期
Loose stool 便溏
Lung heart 肺熱
Lung Qi deficiency 肺氣虛
Lung Qi impairment 肺氣失宣
Measles 麻疹
Menstrual irregularities 月經失調
Merdian-collateral theory 經絡學說
Meridial distribution 歸經
Mutual promotion 相須
Night sweat 盜汗
Nine orifices 九竅
Normal pulse 平脈
Nourishing blood and liver 養血柔肝
Pale tongue 淡白舌
Palpation 切診
Palpitation 心悸
Pathogenesis 病機
Peeled coating 剝脫苔
Pestilence 疫癘
Pharynx neurosis 梅核氣
Phlegm-damp obstructing lung 痰濕阻肺
Pill 丸
Pores 玄府
Principal and subordinate 標本
Pulse condition 脈象
Pulse-taking 脈診
Purgation-tonifying 攻補兼施
Qi-blood and fluid 氣血津液
Qi deficiency 氣虛
Qi depression 氣滯
Qi function 氣機
Rapid pulse 數脈
Relaxing bowels 潤腸通便
Removing stasis to promote blood circulation 化瘀行血
Resolving damp, aromatic 芳香化濕
Resuscitation 開竅
Retch 干嘔
Reverse restriction 相侮