April, 2011在口語Part 1可能出現的考題
Where do you meet new people?
Where did people meet new people in the past?
Did you like reading books when you were little? What were your favorite kinds of books? What kind of books do you like these days? Do you like writing letters?
Do you often visit museums? Do you think museums are important to our lives?
Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown?
Did you receive any gifts recently? What were they?
What kinds of pets do Chinese people like to keep? Do people of different ages prefer different pets?
Whats your favorite Chinese folk song? Why do you like it?
Whats your favorite color? Are there any special meanings to colors?
Whatre your favorite leisure activities?
What sports did you play when you were a child? What were the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls?
What is your hometown famous for? What will your hometown be like in the future?
Do you like shopping?