雅思寫作一定會考察分析問題解決問題和是否同意一種觀點的提問角度。考題重點準備遺漏很久的手機類,電視類,犯罪類。同時,重點準備恒熱主題:教育類,科技類,社會類,廣告類。政府類和環保類在7月已經連續考察,可簡單準備。預測以分析問題和是否同意觀點最為重點,同時涉及到兩種觀點討論和利弊討論,是全面備考策略。小鵬哥原創語料庫用詞精準,表達亮點,認真背誦語料庫,寫作預測題,思路拓展融會貫通,定能博取高分。雅思題庫輪換前,考情穩定,如果還是舊題重現,依然會集中雅思寫作題庫中。 一類重點10題 電視類: A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究顯示,7歲到11歲的年輕人花費太多時間看電視,玩游戲,這對于孩子,家庭和社會的影響何在?應該如何解決? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. idiot box n 電視機 2. couch-potato = heavy TV viewers n 電視迷 3. be addicted to = indulge in = abandon oneself to sth v 沉迷于 4. is physically detrimental 有害健康 5. impair the viewers eyesight v 有害視力 6. multiply the likelihood of obesity v 增加了肥胖的可能 7. distance the family relationship = alienate the family relationship v疏遠家庭關系 8. The academic study will be delayed 耽誤學習 9. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的內容 10. poison ones innocent mind, arouse ones violent impulse and misguide ones life outlook. v 毒害純凈的心靈,誘發暴力沖動,誤導人生觀 11. strengthen the censorship of mass media v 加強傳媒審查 12. organize family activities such as family trip or family meal v 組織家庭活動例如家庭聚餐家庭旅行 教育類 + 社會類 In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions. 許多的學生離開學校找不到工作,失業對于社會和個人的影響是什么? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. job-hunters = job-seekers = job candidate n求職者 2. university leavers = college graduates = holders of college diplomas. n大學畢業生 3. youth unemployment n年輕人失業 4. job-less = out-of-work = unemployed adj失業的 5. impose / put much pressure upon a family / nation economically 增加的經濟負擔 6. provide driving force for the further development of v 為提供了驅動力 7. inject new life into the further development of v為的發展注入新鮮活力 8. resort to sb for help = turn to sb for help v 求助于 9. family conflict n 家庭矛盾 10. generate the sense of inferiority = make sb belittle himself n 自卑 社會類: It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience. 家庭關系不緊密的原因和解決策略? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. close family relationship = good family relationship = intimate family relationship n 良好的家庭關系 2. the decomposition of family bonds n 家庭紐帶的分解 3. Alienation among family members is thus inevitable. 家庭成員關系疏遠不可避免 4. fierce competition and heavy work pressure n激烈的競爭和繁重的工作壓力 5. Modern people are too occupied to spare time for the family 人們過于忙碌,無暇顧及家庭。 6. change in publics notion about the family n人們家庭觀念的改變 7. establish a reasonable balance between work schedule and the family v 維持家庭和事業的平衡 8. strengthen the family tie v加強家庭聯系 9. A close family relationship can surely be kept as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our lives and attach great importance to it. 只要認識到家庭關系的重要作用并且重視家庭,我們就可以保持親密的家庭關系 教育類 It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? = Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive development? 寄宿學校的原因以及利弊討論? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. save the trouble of commuting between home and school v節省了從學校到家里的往返的麻煩 2. train ones sense of independence = foster ones sense of independence v培養獨立性 3. cultivate many skills such as tidying up room,doing the laundry v培養各種能力,例如整理房間,做飯。 4. have more time to dive into various campus activities v參加校園活動: 5. It is convenient to draw on various educational resources v利用各種教育資源 詞匯點評:draw on v 利用 6. boarding school = school with accommodation n 寄宿學校 7. The choice of hostel accommodation, organized by the university, would enable you to mix with a lot of new people v結實新朋友 8. enlarge ones circle of friends v擴大交友圈: 9. make it easier for you to make new social contacts: v結實好友 10. University accommodation often provides some form of catering facilities, students do not have to do their own shopping or cooking 學校提供餐飲,學生不必購物,做飯。 詞匯點評:catering facilities n 餐飲 廣告類: If a product is good or it meets peoples needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人們購買商品是因為需要,廣告沒有作用,僅僅是娛樂,是否認同? 薛鵬點評:廣告為恒熱話題,經典提問角度還有是否應該廢除廣告,廣告對于消費者的影響和解決策略,廣告的利好為教育學,信息性,娛樂性。廣告的弊端為欺騙性,夸大功效,增加消費者經濟負擔,下列語料庫融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. advertisement = advertising n 廣告 2. TV commercial n 電視廣告 3. on no account can we understate the indispensable roles of ads 不能忽視廣告的作用 4. play the role of educator v扮演教育者的角色 5. is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉 6. bring huge convenience to consumers v 給消費者帶來便利 7. serve the function of entertainment n 娛樂的作用 8. exert a subtle influence on v 施加了微妙的影響 9. public-service ads = public-interest ads n 公益廣告 10. wise consumers = wise buyers n 理性的消費者 11. unwise buying = irrational buying n 非理性消費 12. buy goods without consideration v沖動購物 13. flowery phrase and empty promises n花哨的宣傳語以及空洞的承諾 14. endanger the consumers interests v 威脅到消費者的利益 15. ads produced by super stars. n明星代言的廣告 犯罪類: Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem?持續犯罪的原因以及解決途徑? 薛鵬點評:犯罪類話題經典考題為少年犯罪的原因和解決,是否應該進行傳媒審查,累積犯罪的原因和解決,考慮到累積犯罪為較難話題,少年犯罪和傳媒審查可以融會貫通,8月預測犯罪類調整為累積犯罪的原因和解決。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. released prisoners = those who are set free from the prison n刑滿釋放人員 2. habitual criminals = hardened criminals n慣犯 3. repetitive criminalities = continuous crimes n重復性的犯罪行為 4. the hardship of making a living n 謀生的艱難 5. reform those law-breakers = reclaim those criminals v改造犯罪分子 6. juvenile crime = adolescent crime = teenage crime = juvenile delinquency n青少年犯罪 7. young offenders = teenage criminals = young law-breakers n 少年犯 8. embark on the criminal road v 走上犯罪道路 9. turn to a life of crime v 開始罪惡的人生 10. conduct some anti-social offenses v 做出反社會行為 11. commit crime = violate the law v 犯罪 12. domestic violence = family violence n 家庭暴力 13. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的內容 14. blindly model after / imitate / mimic v盲目效仿 15. to be led astray v 被引入歧途 16. enact relevant legislations to crack down youth crime v頒布相關立法降低犯罪 17. has a deterrent role to play in 可以發揮一種威懾的作用 18. turn over a new leaf v生活展開新的一頁 手機類: There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手機的使用帶來了社會,醫療和技術問題. = Mobile phone advantages and disadvantages on individual and the society. 手機對于個人以及社會的利弊? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. the cell phone = the mobile phone n手機 2. bring huge convenience to peoples communication v 給人們的交流帶來極大的方便 點評:可以寫作所有的科技的利好 3. is a significant source of getting the latest information for the vast majority of people 手機是信息的渠道以及源泉 4. The mobile phone newspaper enables its users to familiarize themselves with the up-to-the-minute current events 手機報可以讓我們了解時事政治 點評:familiarize themselves with = get to know v了解 5. could perfectly play /enact the role of educator 手機可以扮演教育者的角色: 點評:enact v 扮演 6. is physically detrimental 是有害身體健康的 7. The radiation of the mobile phone exerts a baneful influence on the users health 手機輻射有害健康 8. Ones eye-sight will be impaired after gazing at the screen of the cell phone for a long time. 太久盯著屏幕,人的視力會下降。 9. As for schoolchildren, the academic performance will be delayed if they use the mobile phone excessively. 如果過度使用手機,會耽誤學業。 10. intercourse = communication n交流 11. dispel sense of isolation v驅散孤獨感 12. reap fabulous profits illegally v 非法牟利 教育類: In some countries some school leavers are choosing to work or travel for a period of time between finishing school and attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for school leavers decision. Give your own opinion and reasons. Use your experience of life to explain it. 很多學生選擇工作旅行一年再上大學,討論間隔年的利弊 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. the gap year n間隔年 2. to be well-travelled = do some sightseeing = see the outside world v旅行 3. work as a part-timer = earn a living v工作 4. enlarge ones scope of knowledge v 拓寬知識面 5. expand ones mind = open ones eyes = enlarge ones vision of life v 開拓視野 6. accumulate a pool of relevant working experience v 積累大量的相關的工作經驗 7. could enable sb to adapt himself or herself to the society. v更加容易融入社會 8. relieve the pressure caused by academic study v 緩解學習壓力 9. is an effective way to relax ones body and ease ones mind 是一種有效的放松身心的方式 10. enable one to make congenial friends easily更加容易交到志同道合的朋友 詞匯點評:congenial = like-minded adj 性格相似的;志同道合的; 11. Personal security cannot be ensured. 個人安全沒有保障 12. Students might end up never returning to campus. 學生們不再回歸校園 詞匯點評:end up doing sth 最終以為結局 13. Some youngsters might be led astray. 學生們被引入歧途 詞匯點評:be led astray v被引入歧途 教育類: Some people believe that schools should only provide subjects that are beneficial to students future careers. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 是否應該上音樂課體育課? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. is a good way to relax ones body and ease ones mind v 是很好的放松身心的方式 2. mould ones temperament v 陶冶情操 3. add color to ones dull routine of everyday life v 增加生活的情趣 4. enlarge ones circle of friends v擴大交友圈 5. build up ones body v 增進體質 6. keep a good balance between work and rest = strike a proper balance between study and rest v勞逸結合 7. receive a fine education = to be well-educated v 接受良好教育 8. place a great emphasis / stress on = pay closer attention to v重視 9. Play is an indispensable part of teenagers development. 娛樂是成長中重要部分 解析:具體來說,音樂和體育就是娛樂 10. Overall, young people spend enough years being stressed by curricula and exams, let us give them more fun via providing them with music and PE lessons. 讓我們給孩子們更多的快樂。
交通能源類: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 增加油料的價格是解決環境污染的最佳途徑? 薛鵬點評:熱題恒熱,該題目為交通和環保綜合考題,寫作該題目,是否增加油料是解決環境污染的最佳方式,是否應該限制飛機旅行就融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. environmental issue = environment-related issue n環境問題 2. the amount of money involved in 在 方面投入的金錢 3. a great many people 很多人 4. governmental spending n政府的投資 5. road congestion = traffic jam n 交通擁堵 6. surrounding = living space = environment n 環境 7. is detrimental to the environment v 有害環境 8. with regard to environmental contamination 關于環境污染 詞匯點評:pollution = contamination n污染: 9. provided that = if prep 假如 10. encourage people to undertake their journey by taking public transport 鼓勵公眾乘坐公共交通工具: 11. It is highly recommended to spend money on public transport such as buses, trams and subways. 政府應該投資公共交通工具, 12. It works to allocate more of governmental resources to public transit 將更多的財政預算投入到公共交通工具中來: 二類重點5題 工作類: Some employers think that academic qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when they look for an employee. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 學歷是否比生活閱歷和個人能力在求職中更加重要? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. academic qualification = educational background n 學歷 2. the experience of the world n 閱歷 3. personal strengthen n 個人優勢 4. Eye-catching diploma and certificate, to some extent, reflects the holders personal excellence and competence 耀眼的學歷某種程度上反映的就是高學歷持有者個人的優秀和能力。 詞匯點評:competence = capability = ability n 能力 5. One of the potential problems is that 一個潛在的問題就是 6. their disloyalty and lack of commitment to jobs n 他們的不忠誠而且對工作缺乏奉獻精神 7. In the eyes of some employers 在一些老板眼里 8. A is superior to B A比B重要 9. It is also possible that 很有可能 10. redouble their efforts to fulfill the working tasks v加倍努力完成工作任務 教育類: Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a childs education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人認為計算機和互聯網對于孩子的教育比去學校有效,有認為老師和學校對于孩子的高效學習更加重要,討論兩種觀點? 薛鵬點評:該題為雅思最熱考題,提問角度還可以是網絡教育是否可以代替老師的作用,課堂教育是否優越于網絡教育。寫作該題目同理寫作遠程辦公的利弊。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. conventional teaching = traditional classroom education n 課堂教育 2. on-line education = tele-education = distance learning = distance education n遠程教育 3. disseminate knowledge = impart knowledge into ones mind = pass on knowledge v傳播知識 4. Computers that are used to teach children fail to enhance youngsters learning while exerting a baneful influence on the development of their mentality and physique用來教授孩子們的計算機不能提高他們的學習,然而對于他們的身心發展有不良的影響。 5. The lack of playmates at home may result in an eccentric character that will make it far from easy for him or her to get along with others when he or she grows up. 家里沒有伙伴,孩子們不會和人交往。 6. Distance education not only improves the flexibly of learning but also surmounts the geographical barrier. 遠程教育提高了學習的靈活性以及克服地域的障礙 7. Distance learning will do special good to those disabled learners,busy employees and students falling illness. 遠程教育尤其是對于殘疾學習者,忙碌的職員以及生病的學生有利好。 8. Good teachers have insight into childrens emotions. 優秀的教師能洞察學生內心的情感 9. Tele-education is a supplementary tool n遠程教育是輔助工具 10. The popularity of distance education is a challenge for learners in those poverty-stricken villages or remote rural areas. Hence,traditional classroom education is, virtually, indispensable to those who lack basic skills of computer. 網絡教育的普及也會受到很多到技術的限制,很多的貧困偏遠地區,學生們也缺乏必要的電腦技能,因此,傳統教師的作用不可替代。 教育類: Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for childrens adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人認為孩子應該聽從老師的,有人認為管理過嚴格的孩子不能為成人生活做好準備,你的觀點? 薛鵬點評:2010年經典舊題,教育目的為恒熱提問角度。該題目考察的孩子們是應該寬松管理還是嚴格管理: 思路拓展:支持孩子們要嚴格管理:從小的時候,就要教會孩子們明辨是非;行為規范;老師們都是精通專業知識,懂得教育的常識,所以,老師的建議和指導對于孩子的成長是有積極的影響: 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. strict education and guidance n嚴格的教育和指導 2. make preparations for = be well-prepared for = ready oneself for sth v為做好準備 3. make a clear distinction between right and wrong v明辨是非 4. how to behave well v行為規范 5. excel in specialized knowledge v 精通專業知識 6. know the common sense of education v了解教育的常識 7. strict education n嚴格的教育 8. exert a positive impact on 對于有積極影響 9. proper guidance from educators n教育者的恰當的指導 10. Spare the rod and spoil the child 孩子不打不成器 科技類: People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individual and society as a whole? 人們可以通過網絡進行很多的日常事務,不必見面,影響是什么? 薛鵬點評:本文其實考察的還是科技的利弊影響。網絡交易,網絡銀行,網絡購物帶來生活的便利,豐富人們就業購物的選擇,科技本身帶來巨大便利。但是,其弊端不可忽視,過度依賴高科技,人們會在社交方面變得力不從心。人們會產生網絡依賴癥。社會影響:科技的作用愈來愈大,很多相關產業不景氣。新型的高科技犯罪造成的危害日益嚴重。寫作該題目,科技對于個人和社會的利弊影響就可以融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. excessive dependence on 對于的過度依賴 2. on-line trade / shopping 網絡交易 / 網絡購物 3. the economic downturn of relevant industries n 相關產業的經濟低迷 4. deal with the business transaction v處理生意 5. run on-line stores v經營網絡店鋪 6. generate immense economic value v創造巨大的經濟價值 7. surmount the geographical barrier and economize large amounts of time v克服地理的障礙以及節省大量的時間成本 8. With the availability the Internet, consumers are more likely to select their favorite goods at reasonable price v 以合理的價格挑選到自己喜歡的產品 9. Nevertheless, we can never ignore the potential drawbacks triggered by shopping or dealing with business transaction at homes. 然而,我們不能忽視在家購物以及交易引起的潛在弊端。 10. the application fee of exam 考試報名費 11. has profoundly revolutionized v深刻地改變了 12. less human contact and slow development of friendship 較少的人際聯系以及友誼的淡化 13. hinder ones healthy growth v妨礙了人的健康成長 14. sedentary lifestyle is no doubt health-threatening 久坐的生活方式無疑是有害健康的 15. kill ones zeal and creativity v扼殺人的熱情和創造性 社會類: There is a movement of the people from agricultural areas to go to cities in order to get work, what are the most serious problems in both places. What are the measures of solving these problems? 農民工進城找工作給城里和鄉下造成的不良影響以及解決途徑? 薛鵬點評:該題目較難,為2010年7月17日舊題。農民工進城務工,對于城市和鄉下的影響:城市:住房短期;犯罪上升;環境污染鄉下:土地荒蕪;勞動力缺乏;留守兒童;家庭關系的疏遠。解決方法:縮短城鄉的差距,加快中小城市的建設,鼓勵年輕人留在小城市。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. bridge the gap between A and B 縮短的差距 2. sb should be inspired to do sth = sb should be motivated to do sth v 鼓勵某人做 3. rural workers n 農民工 4. migrant workers n 外來務工人員 5. housing shortage n 住房短期 6. the alienation of family relationship n家庭關系不緊密; 7. The countryside might end up becoming barren 鄉村土地荒蕪 8. the number of left-behind children will increase 留守兒童的數量會增加 9. accelerate the construction of small cities v 加快小城市的建設 10. dwell in sp = reside in sp v 居住在某地
雅思寫作一定會考察分析問題解決問題和是否同意一種觀點的提問角度。考題重點準備遺漏很久的手機類,電視類,犯罪類。同時,重點準備恒熱主題:教育類,科技類,社會類,廣告類。政府類和環保類在7月已經連續考察,可簡單準備。預測以分析問題和是否同意觀點最為重點,同時涉及到兩種觀點討論和利弊討論,是全面備考策略。小鵬哥原創語料庫用詞精準,表達亮點,認真背誦語料庫,寫作預測題,思路拓展融會貫通,定能博取高分。雅思題庫輪換前,考情穩定,如果還是舊題重現,依然會集中雅思寫作題庫中。 一類重點10題 電視類: A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究顯示,7歲到11歲的年輕人花費太多時間看電視,玩游戲,這對于孩子,家庭和社會的影響何在?應該如何解決? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. idiot box n 電視機 2. couch-potato = heavy TV viewers n 電視迷 3. be addicted to = indulge in = abandon oneself to sth v 沉迷于 4. is physically detrimental 有害健康 5. impair the viewers eyesight v 有害視力 6. multiply the likelihood of obesity v 增加了肥胖的可能 7. distance the family relationship = alienate the family relationship v疏遠家庭關系 8. The academic study will be delayed 耽誤學習 9. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的內容 10. poison ones innocent mind, arouse ones violent impulse and misguide ones life outlook. v 毒害純凈的心靈,誘發暴力沖動,誤導人生觀 11. strengthen the censorship of mass media v 加強傳媒審查 12. organize family activities such as family trip or family meal v 組織家庭活動例如家庭聚餐家庭旅行 教育類 + 社會類 In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions. 許多的學生離開學校找不到工作,失業對于社會和個人的影響是什么? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. job-hunters = job-seekers = job candidate n求職者 2. university leavers = college graduates = holders of college diplomas. n大學畢業生 3. youth unemployment n年輕人失業 4. job-less = out-of-work = unemployed adj失業的 5. impose / put much pressure upon a family / nation economically 增加的經濟負擔 6. provide driving force for the further development of v 為提供了驅動力 7. inject new life into the further development of v為的發展注入新鮮活力 8. resort to sb for help = turn to sb for help v 求助于 9. family conflict n 家庭矛盾 10. generate the sense of inferiority = make sb belittle himself n 自卑 社會類: It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience. 家庭關系不緊密的原因和解決策略? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. close family relationship = good family relationship = intimate family relationship n 良好的家庭關系 2. the decomposition of family bonds n 家庭紐帶的分解 3. Alienation among family members is thus inevitable. 家庭成員關系疏遠不可避免 4. fierce competition and heavy work pressure n激烈的競爭和繁重的工作壓力 5. Modern people are too occupied to spare time for the family 人們過于忙碌,無暇顧及家庭。 6. change in publics notion about the family n人們家庭觀念的改變 7. establish a reasonable balance between work schedule and the family v 維持家庭和事業的平衡 8. strengthen the family tie v加強家庭聯系 9. A close family relationship can surely be kept as long as we realize the significant role it plays in our lives and attach great importance to it. 只要認識到家庭關系的重要作用并且重視家庭,我們就可以保持親密的家庭關系 教育類 It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? = Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive development? 寄宿學校的原因以及利弊討論? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. save the trouble of commuting between home and school v節省了從學校到家里的往返的麻煩 2. train ones sense of independence = foster ones sense of independence v培養獨立性 3. cultivate many skills such as tidying up room,doing the laundry v培養各種能力,例如整理房間,做飯。 4. have more time to dive into various campus activities v參加校園活動: 5. It is convenient to draw on various educational resources v利用各種教育資源 詞匯點評:draw on v 利用 6. boarding school = school with accommodation n 寄宿學校 7. The choice of hostel accommodation, organized by the university, would enable you to mix with a lot of new people v結實新朋友 8. enlarge ones circle of friends v擴大交友圈: 9. make it easier for you to make new social contacts: v結實好友 10. University accommodation often provides some form of catering facilities, students do not have to do their own shopping or cooking 學校提供餐飲,學生不必購物,做飯。 詞匯點評:catering facilities n 餐飲 廣告類: If a product is good or it meets peoples needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人們購買商品是因為需要,廣告沒有作用,僅僅是娛樂,是否認同? 薛鵬點評:廣告為恒熱話題,經典提問角度還有是否應該廢除廣告,廣告對于消費者的影響和解決策略,廣告的利好為教育學,信息性,娛樂性。廣告的弊端為欺騙性,夸大功效,增加消費者經濟負擔,下列語料庫融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. advertisement = advertising n 廣告 2. TV commercial n 電視廣告 3. on no account can we understate the indispensable roles of ads 不能忽視廣告的作用 4. play the role of educator v扮演教育者的角色 5. is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉 6. bring huge convenience to consumers v 給消費者帶來便利 7. serve the function of entertainment n 娛樂的作用 8. exert a subtle influence on v 施加了微妙的影響 9. public-service ads = public-interest ads n 公益廣告 10. wise consumers = wise buyers n 理性的消費者 11. unwise buying = irrational buying n 非理性消費 12. buy goods without consideration v沖動購物 13. flowery phrase and empty promises n花哨的宣傳語以及空洞的承諾 14. endanger the consumers interests v 威脅到消費者的利益 15. ads produced by super stars. n明星代言的廣告 犯罪類: Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem?持續犯罪的原因以及解決途徑? 薛鵬點評:犯罪類話題經典考題為少年犯罪的原因和解決,是否應該進行傳媒審查,累積犯罪的原因和解決,考慮到累積犯罪為較難話題,少年犯罪和傳媒審查可以融會貫通,8月預測犯罪類調整為累積犯罪的原因和解決。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. released prisoners = those who are set free from the prison n刑滿釋放人員 2. habitual criminals = hardened criminals n慣犯 3. repetitive criminalities = continuous crimes n重復性的犯罪行為 4. the hardship of making a living n 謀生的艱難 5. reform those law-breakers = reclaim those criminals v改造犯罪分子 6. juvenile crime = adolescent crime = teenage crime = juvenile delinquency n青少年犯罪 7. young offenders = teenage criminals = young law-breakers n 少年犯 8. embark on the criminal road v 走上犯罪道路 9. turn to a life of crime v 開始罪惡的人生 10. conduct some anti-social offenses v 做出反社會行為 11. commit crime = violate the law v 犯罪 12. domestic violence = family violence n 家庭暴力 13. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情的血腥的內容 14. blindly model after / imitate / mimic v盲目效仿 15. to be led astray v 被引入歧途 16. enact relevant legislations to crack down youth crime v頒布相關立法降低犯罪 17. has a deterrent role to play in 可以發揮一種威懾的作用 18. turn over a new leaf v生活展開新的一頁 手機類: There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手機的使用帶來了社會,醫療和技術問題. = Mobile phone advantages and disadvantages on individual and the society. 手機對于個人以及社會的利弊? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. the cell phone = the mobile phone n手機 2. bring huge convenience to peoples communication v 給人們的交流帶來極大的方便 點評:可以寫作所有的科技的利好 3. is a significant source of getting the latest information for the vast majority of people 手機是信息的渠道以及源泉 4. The mobile phone newspaper enables its users to familiarize themselves with the up-to-the-minute current events 手機報可以讓我們了解時事政治 點評:familiarize themselves with = get to know v了解 5. could perfectly play /enact the role of educator 手機可以扮演教育者的角色: 點評:enact v 扮演 6. is physically detrimental 是有害身體健康的 7. The radiation of the mobile phone exerts a baneful influence on the users health 手機輻射有害健康 8. Ones eye-sight will be impaired after gazing at the screen of the cell phone for a long time. 太久盯著屏幕,人的視力會下降。 9. As for schoolchildren, the academic performance will be delayed if they use the mobile phone excessively. 如果過度使用手機,會耽誤學業。 10. intercourse = communication n交流 11. dispel sense of isolation v驅散孤獨感 12. reap fabulous profits illegally v 非法牟利 教育類: In some countries some school leavers are choosing to work or travel for a period of time between finishing school and attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for school leavers decision. Give your own opinion and reasons. Use your experience of life to explain it. 很多學生選擇工作旅行一年再上大學,討論間隔年的利弊 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. the gap year n間隔年 2. to be well-travelled = do some sightseeing = see the outside world v旅行 3. work as a part-timer = earn a living v工作 4. enlarge ones scope of knowledge v 拓寬知識面 5. expand ones mind = open ones eyes = enlarge ones vision of life v 開拓視野 6. accumulate a pool of relevant working experience v 積累大量的相關的工作經驗 7. could enable sb to adapt himself or herself to the society. v更加容易融入社會 8. relieve the pressure caused by academic study v 緩解學習壓力 9. is an effective way to relax ones body and ease ones mind 是一種有效的放松身心的方式 10. enable one to make congenial friends easily更加容易交到志同道合的朋友 詞匯點評:congenial = like-minded adj 性格相似的;志同道合的; 11. Personal security cannot be ensured. 個人安全沒有保障 12. Students might end up never returning to campus. 學生們不再回歸校園 詞匯點評:end up doing sth 最終以為結局 13. Some youngsters might be led astray. 學生們被引入歧途 詞匯點評:be led astray v被引入歧途 教育類: Some people believe that schools should only provide subjects that are beneficial to students future careers. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 是否應該上音樂課體育課? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. is a good way to relax ones body and ease ones mind v 是很好的放松身心的方式 2. mould ones temperament v 陶冶情操 3. add color to ones dull routine of everyday life v 增加生活的情趣 4. enlarge ones circle of friends v擴大交友圈 5. build up ones body v 增進體質 6. keep a good balance between work and rest = strike a proper balance between study and rest v勞逸結合 7. receive a fine education = to be well-educated v 接受良好教育 8. place a great emphasis / stress on = pay closer attention to v重視 9. Play is an indispensable part of teenagers development. 娛樂是成長中重要部分 解析:具體來說,音樂和體育就是娛樂 10. Overall, young people spend enough years being stressed by curricula and exams, let us give them more fun via providing them with music and PE lessons. 讓我們給孩子們更多的快樂。
交通能源類: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 增加油料的價格是解決環境污染的最佳途徑? 薛鵬點評:熱題恒熱,該題目為交通和環保綜合考題,寫作該題目,是否增加油料是解決環境污染的最佳方式,是否應該限制飛機旅行就融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. environmental issue = environment-related issue n環境問題 2. the amount of money involved in 在 方面投入的金錢 3. a great many people 很多人 4. governmental spending n政府的投資 5. road congestion = traffic jam n 交通擁堵 6. surrounding = living space = environment n 環境 7. is detrimental to the environment v 有害環境 8. with regard to environmental contamination 關于環境污染 詞匯點評:pollution = contamination n污染: 9. provided that = if prep 假如 10. encourage people to undertake their journey by taking public transport 鼓勵公眾乘坐公共交通工具: 11. It is highly recommended to spend money on public transport such as buses, trams and subways. 政府應該投資公共交通工具, 12. It works to allocate more of governmental resources to public transit 將更多的財政預算投入到公共交通工具中來: 二類重點5題 工作類: Some employers think that academic qualifications are more important than life experience and personal qualities when they look for an employee. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 學歷是否比生活閱歷和個人能力在求職中更加重要? 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. academic qualification = educational background n 學歷 2. the experience of the world n 閱歷 3. personal strengthen n 個人優勢 4. Eye-catching diploma and certificate, to some extent, reflects the holders personal excellence and competence 耀眼的學歷某種程度上反映的就是高學歷持有者個人的優秀和能力。 詞匯點評:competence = capability = ability n 能力 5. One of the potential problems is that 一個潛在的問題就是 6. their disloyalty and lack of commitment to jobs n 他們的不忠誠而且對工作缺乏奉獻精神 7. In the eyes of some employers 在一些老板眼里 8. A is superior to B A比B重要 9. It is also possible that 很有可能 10. redouble their efforts to fulfill the working tasks v加倍努力完成工作任務 教育類: Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a childs education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人認為計算機和互聯網對于孩子的教育比去學校有效,有認為老師和學校對于孩子的高效學習更加重要,討論兩種觀點? 薛鵬點評:該題為雅思最熱考題,提問角度還可以是網絡教育是否可以代替老師的作用,課堂教育是否優越于網絡教育。寫作該題目同理寫作遠程辦公的利弊。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. conventional teaching = traditional classroom education n 課堂教育 2. on-line education = tele-education = distance learning = distance education n遠程教育 3. disseminate knowledge = impart knowledge into ones mind = pass on knowledge v傳播知識 4. Computers that are used to teach children fail to enhance youngsters learning while exerting a baneful influence on the development of their mentality and physique用來教授孩子們的計算機不能提高他們的學習,然而對于他們的身心發展有不良的影響。 5. The lack of playmates at home may result in an eccentric character that will make it far from easy for him or her to get along with others when he or she grows up. 家里沒有伙伴,孩子們不會和人交往。 6. Distance education not only improves the flexibly of learning but also surmounts the geographical barrier. 遠程教育提高了學習的靈活性以及克服地域的障礙 7. Distance learning will do special good to those disabled learners,busy employees and students falling illness. 遠程教育尤其是對于殘疾學習者,忙碌的職員以及生病的學生有利好。 8. Good teachers have insight into childrens emotions. 優秀的教師能洞察學生內心的情感 9. Tele-education is a supplementary tool n遠程教育是輔助工具 10. The popularity of distance education is a challenge for learners in those poverty-stricken villages or remote rural areas. Hence,traditional classroom education is, virtually, indispensable to those who lack basic skills of computer. 網絡教育的普及也會受到很多到技術的限制,很多的貧困偏遠地區,學生們也缺乏必要的電腦技能,因此,傳統教師的作用不可替代。 教育類: Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for childrens adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人認為孩子應該聽從老師的,有人認為管理過嚴格的孩子不能為成人生活做好準備,你的觀點? 薛鵬點評:2010年經典舊題,教育目的為恒熱提問角度。該題目考察的孩子們是應該寬松管理還是嚴格管理: 思路拓展:支持孩子們要嚴格管理:從小的時候,就要教會孩子們明辨是非;行為規范;老師們都是精通專業知識,懂得教育的常識,所以,老師的建議和指導對于孩子的成長是有積極的影響: 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. strict education and guidance n嚴格的教育和指導 2. make preparations for = be well-prepared for = ready oneself for sth v為做好準備 3. make a clear distinction between right and wrong v明辨是非 4. how to behave well v行為規范 5. excel in specialized knowledge v 精通專業知識 6. know the common sense of education v了解教育的常識 7. strict education n嚴格的教育 8. exert a positive impact on 對于有積極影響 9. proper guidance from educators n教育者的恰當的指導 10. Spare the rod and spoil the child 孩子不打不成器 科技類: People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individual and society as a whole? 人們可以通過網絡進行很多的日常事務,不必見面,影響是什么? 薛鵬點評:本文其實考察的還是科技的利弊影響。網絡交易,網絡銀行,網絡購物帶來生活的便利,豐富人們就業購物的選擇,科技本身帶來巨大便利。但是,其弊端不可忽視,過度依賴高科技,人們會在社交方面變得力不從心。人們會產生網絡依賴癥。社會影響:科技的作用愈來愈大,很多相關產業不景氣。新型的高科技犯罪造成的危害日益嚴重。寫作該題目,科技對于個人和社會的利弊影響就可以融會貫通。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. excessive dependence on 對于的過度依賴 2. on-line trade / shopping 網絡交易 / 網絡購物 3. the economic downturn of relevant industries n 相關產業的經濟低迷 4. deal with the business transaction v處理生意 5. run on-line stores v經營網絡店鋪 6. generate immense economic value v創造巨大的經濟價值 7. surmount the geographical barrier and economize large amounts of time v克服地理的障礙以及節省大量的時間成本 8. With the availability the Internet, consumers are more likely to select their favorite goods at reasonable price v 以合理的價格挑選到自己喜歡的產品 9. Nevertheless, we can never ignore the potential drawbacks triggered by shopping or dealing with business transaction at homes. 然而,我們不能忽視在家購物以及交易引起的潛在弊端。 10. the application fee of exam 考試報名費 11. has profoundly revolutionized v深刻地改變了 12. less human contact and slow development of friendship 較少的人際聯系以及友誼的淡化 13. hinder ones healthy growth v妨礙了人的健康成長 14. sedentary lifestyle is no doubt health-threatening 久坐的生活方式無疑是有害健康的 15. kill ones zeal and creativity v扼殺人的熱情和創造性 社會類: There is a movement of the people from agricultural areas to go to cities in order to get work, what are the most serious problems in both places. What are the measures of solving these problems? 農民工進城找工作給城里和鄉下造成的不良影響以及解決途徑? 薛鵬點評:該題目較難,為2010年7月17日舊題。農民工進城務工,對于城市和鄉下的影響:城市:住房短期;犯罪上升;環境污染鄉下:土地荒蕪;勞動力缺乏;留守兒童;家庭關系的疏遠。解決方法:縮短城鄉的差距,加快中小城市的建設,鼓勵年輕人留在小城市。 薛鵬原創語料庫: 1. bridge the gap between A and B 縮短的差距 2. sb should be inspired to do sth = sb should be motivated to do sth v 鼓勵某人做 3. rural workers n 農民工 4. migrant workers n 外來務工人員 5. housing shortage n 住房短期 6. the alienation of family relationship n家庭關系不緊密; 7. The countryside might end up becoming barren 鄉村土地荒蕪 8. the number of left-behind children will increase 留守兒童的數量會增加 9. accelerate the construction of small cities v 加快小城市的建設 10. dwell in sp = reside in sp v 居住在某地