4月6日至7日,中國國家主席習近平應美國總統特朗普的邀請,在其私人奢華莊園海湖莊園 In 1973, cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post donated her 128-room Palm Beach mansion to the U.S. government to be used as the "winter White House." And now that Donald Trump is president, that legacy has in some sense come true.
Post was one of the world's richest women when she finished building Mar-a-Lago in 1927 at a cost of $7 million. American architect Marion Sims Wyeth designed the estate, which sits on 20 acres that border the Atlantic Ocean on one side and Florida's Intracoastal Waterway on the other.
作為當時世界上最富有的女性之一,波斯特斥資700萬美元于1927年建成海湖莊園。莊園由美國建筑師瑪麗恩?西姆斯?懷斯設計,占地20英畝 Post willed her home to the American government upon her death with the intention that it be used as a warm-weather retreat for the president. But in 1981 the government returned Mar-a-Lago, which had been declared a National Historic Landmark a year earlier, to the Post Foundation, citing its high annual maintenance cost of $1 million.
波斯特死后將海湖莊園遺贈給美國政府,打算讓總統將這里作為溫暖的靜養之所。1980年,海湖莊園被列為美國國家歷史地標。美國政府于1981年將其歸還給波斯特基金會,原因是莊園每年的維護費高達100萬美元。 ?MAR-A-LAGO'S LIVING ROOM IN 1967
Enter Donald Trump. The mogul's reported first offer for the property - $28 million - was turned down. But he persisted and the market slumped. Trump ended up getting the property for $5 million in 1985, and paid an additional $3 million for Post's antiques and furniture.
Trump turned Mar-a-Lago into a private club in 1995 and built a 20,000-square-foot ballroom with $7 million in gold leaf. He also spent $100,000 on four gold-plated sinks. Basically, there's gold everywhere you look. (When Trump is in residence, he and his family stay in a private wing of the house.)
1995年,特朗普將海湖莊園改造成一間私人俱樂部,并斥資700萬美元打造了一個2萬平方英尺 Last spring, Trump's former butler and Mar-a-Lago's unofficial historian, Anthony Senecal told the New York Times about the house's "library, paneled with centuries-old British oak and filled with rare first-edition books that no one in the family ever read."
Trump hasn't always seen eye-to-eye with the locals over his plans for Mar-a-Lago. In the last decade, for example, he has fought the town of Palm Beach over the size of an American flag. The original, installed in 2006, was on an 80-foot pole and Palm Beach ordinances forbade flag poles higher than 42 feet; violation carries a daily fine of $250.
特朗普總是因為對海湖莊園的安排不斷與當地人發生摩擦。例如,在過去十年里,他曾為了一面美國國旗的尺寸與棕櫚灘鎮爭論不休。他起初在2006年安裝的旗桿高80英尺 Trump sued for $25 million claiming his right to free speech was being violated. Ultimately he and the town came to an agreement: Trump switched to a smaller flag posted on a 70-foot pole. And instead of paying fines, he donated $100,000 to veterans' charities.
特朗普以侵犯言論自由為名起訴棕櫚灘鎮,要求其賠償2500萬美元。最終,雙方達成和解:特朗普換了一面較小的國旗掛在70英尺 Then last year Trump sued Palm Beach County for what he called "deliberate and malicious" moves to direct departing flights from the Palm Beach International Airport over Mar-a-Lago. He dropped that suit in November, after the election. It's a moot point now anyway, as the secret service requested a no-fly zone be established over Mar-a-Lago when Trump is in residence.
When he opened Mar-a-Lago, Trump welcomed Jewish members, African-Americans, and gay couples, who had been prohibited from joining other Palm Beach clubs. Club members reportedly used to pay a $100,000 initiation fee and annual dues of $14,000 (along with taxes and an annual food minimum of $2,000) for the privilege of using the facilities like pool. On January 1, following Trump's November victory, the inauguration fee was reportedly increased to $200,000.
特朗普的海湖莊園開業后,俱樂部成員包括猶太人、非裔美國人以及同情戀情侶,而這些人都被禁止進入其他棕櫚灘俱樂部。據報道,該俱樂部成員需繳納10萬美元的入會費和1.4萬美元的年費 It is, by most accounts, a profitable business. Trump made $15.6 million from the club in 2024. He reportedly stands to profit even more as president, both through higher fees and through increased interest in the club and its events.
很多事實表明,這是一件有利可圖的買賣。2024年,特朗普從這家俱樂部賺了1560萬美元。據稱,他擔任總統后,俱樂部的盈利甚至更高,因為會費漲了,而且人們對這間俱樂部及其舉辦的活動也更感興趣。 ?The Beach Club is on the Atlantic Ocean side of the property.
Trump apparently feels more comfortable at Mar-a-Lago than almost anywhere else, and his pleasure in the estate was in evidence when he talked about it back in 2024. "I have 24 acres in Palm Beach and nobody has anything like that. A big house is on one acre. I have 24. It's the great estate of Palm Beach."
4月6日至7日,中國國家主席習近平應美國總統特朗普的邀請,在其私人奢華莊園海湖莊園 In 1973, cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post donated her 128-room Palm Beach mansion to the U.S. government to be used as the "winter White House." And now that Donald Trump is president, that legacy has in some sense come true.
Post was one of the world's richest women when she finished building Mar-a-Lago in 1927 at a cost of $7 million. American architect Marion Sims Wyeth designed the estate, which sits on 20 acres that border the Atlantic Ocean on one side and Florida's Intracoastal Waterway on the other.
作為當時世界上最富有的女性之一,波斯特斥資700萬美元于1927年建成海湖莊園。莊園由美國建筑師瑪麗恩?西姆斯?懷斯設計,占地20英畝 Post willed her home to the American government upon her death with the intention that it be used as a warm-weather retreat for the president. But in 1981 the government returned Mar-a-Lago, which had been declared a National Historic Landmark a year earlier, to the Post Foundation, citing its high annual maintenance cost of $1 million.
波斯特死后將海湖莊園遺贈給美國政府,打算讓總統將這里作為溫暖的靜養之所。1980年,海湖莊園被列為美國國家歷史地標。美國政府于1981年將其歸還給波斯特基金會,原因是莊園每年的維護費高達100萬美元。 ?MAR-A-LAGO'S LIVING ROOM IN 1967
Enter Donald Trump. The mogul's reported first offer for the property - $28 million - was turned down. But he persisted and the market slumped. Trump ended up getting the property for $5 million in 1985, and paid an additional $3 million for Post's antiques and furniture.
Trump turned Mar-a-Lago into a private club in 1995 and built a 20,000-square-foot ballroom with $7 million in gold leaf. He also spent $100,000 on four gold-plated sinks. Basically, there's gold everywhere you look. (When Trump is in residence, he and his family stay in a private wing of the house.)
1995年,特朗普將海湖莊園改造成一間私人俱樂部,并斥資700萬美元打造了一個2萬平方英尺 Last spring, Trump's former butler and Mar-a-Lago's unofficial historian, Anthony Senecal told the New York Times about the house's "library, paneled with centuries-old British oak and filled with rare first-edition books that no one in the family ever read."
Trump hasn't always seen eye-to-eye with the locals over his plans for Mar-a-Lago. In the last decade, for example, he has fought the town of Palm Beach over the size of an American flag. The original, installed in 2006, was on an 80-foot pole and Palm Beach ordinances forbade flag poles higher than 42 feet; violation carries a daily fine of $250.
特朗普總是因為對海湖莊園的安排不斷與當地人發生摩擦。例如,在過去十年里,他曾為了一面美國國旗的尺寸與棕櫚灘鎮爭論不休。他起初在2006年安裝的旗桿高80英尺 Trump sued for $25 million claiming his right to free speech was being violated. Ultimately he and the town came to an agreement: Trump switched to a smaller flag posted on a 70-foot pole. And instead of paying fines, he donated $100,000 to veterans' charities.
特朗普以侵犯言論自由為名起訴棕櫚灘鎮,要求其賠償2500萬美元。最終,雙方達成和解:特朗普換了一面較小的國旗掛在70英尺 Then last year Trump sued Palm Beach County for what he called "deliberate and malicious" moves to direct departing flights from the Palm Beach International Airport over Mar-a-Lago. He dropped that suit in November, after the election. It's a moot point now anyway, as the secret service requested a no-fly zone be established over Mar-a-Lago when Trump is in residence.
When he opened Mar-a-Lago, Trump welcomed Jewish members, African-Americans, and gay couples, who had been prohibited from joining other Palm Beach clubs. Club members reportedly used to pay a $100,000 initiation fee and annual dues of $14,000 (along with taxes and an annual food minimum of $2,000) for the privilege of using the facilities like pool. On January 1, following Trump's November victory, the inauguration fee was reportedly increased to $200,000.
特朗普的海湖莊園開業后,俱樂部成員包括猶太人、非裔美國人以及同情戀情侶,而這些人都被禁止進入其他棕櫚灘俱樂部。據報道,該俱樂部成員需繳納10萬美元的入會費和1.4萬美元的年費 It is, by most accounts, a profitable business. Trump made $15.6 million from the club in 2024. He reportedly stands to profit even more as president, both through higher fees and through increased interest in the club and its events.
很多事實表明,這是一件有利可圖的買賣。2024年,特朗普從這家俱樂部賺了1560萬美元。據稱,他擔任總統后,俱樂部的盈利甚至更高,因為會費漲了,而且人們對這間俱樂部及其舉辦的活動也更感興趣。 ?The Beach Club is on the Atlantic Ocean side of the property.
Trump apparently feels more comfortable at Mar-a-Lago than almost anywhere else, and his pleasure in the estate was in evidence when he talked about it back in 2024. "I have 24 acres in Palm Beach and nobody has anything like that. A big house is on one acre. I have 24. It's the great estate of Palm Beach."