GRE issue寫作:首段寫作技巧

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            GRE issue寫作:首段寫作技巧

              GRE寫作的開頭怎樣寫呢?怎樣避免出現空泛的背景,能精確發揮作用,能突出個性呢?。下面為大家搜集整理的有關GRE issue寫作開頭策略。


              首先說精確的ISSUE開頭,最精確的ISSUE開頭是什么?恩,I agree with the speaker that ,這個開頭絕對不跑題。問題是,除了I agree,這個開頭還有什么信息量么?

              類似的開頭還有Is ? I agree.Who ? I think its The has been widely discussed. I think its 題目一部分等等


              另外還有30%左右的ISSUE是這種開頭的發展型,通常會在后面接個However, under certain conditions...于是成了經典的讓步結構,或者直接否定題目觀點,以However為轉接后面討論特別情況,這種用在題目敘述比較絕對的題中比較多,比如Only xxx can make xxx這種。

              第一類開頭的缺點很明顯--沒有信息量,其實寫成I dont agree with the speaker.就行了,這種開頭對于題目內容比較簡單的ISSUE用起來很合適,省下的時間可以用到BODY中去。然而由于信息量不足,它容易造成的影響是作者在之后的論點發展中缺乏方向,經常出現分論點重疊、車轱轆話來回說的問題。

              第二類開頭比第一類略好,至少讓步段和主觀點段不會觀點重疊,但第一,certain conditions/specific situation/...這種分情況討論的前提沒有信息量,說到底還是廢話,第二,由于讓步條件不明,這樣的文章寫出來經常前后自相矛盾或者跑題。



              TOPIC: ISSUE88 - Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics.

              The issue that the technologies effects on our society has been widely discussed. Somebody assert that technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics while others argue that technologies can not determine our custom and ethics. However, I have my special opinion that technologies indeed have great affected all aspect of our lives even traditional customs and ethics, but in contract, it is determined by our customs and ethics.

              To begin with, as the developing of the technologies, the conditions of our lives have changed grandly from the old days.

              Moreover, the change of our daily lives bring by technologies exert a subtle influence on social customs and ethics.

              However, technologies cannot determine social customs and ethics all the time, and in contrary, it is determined by the social customs and ethics.

              這里我截選了開頭和各段主題句,從結構上來講這個開頭是屬于第二種,但是內容卻是第一種,However之前的內容并不是作者的觀點,只是重復了題目的觀點,However之后是作者觀點。本質上講這個開頭跟I dont agree with the speaker說的內容是一樣的。

              接下來看三個主題句,有什么問題么?第一、二個都是在說Somebody,第三個轉到I have的內容--作者把第一種觀點的內容按第二種觀點來展開了,他并沒有說自己同意somebody的說法,卻花了兩段去論證somebody的說法。這時開頭的定位不明確導致了文章的方向不明確。


              TOPIC: ISSUE12 - Peoples attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic.

              According to some common experiences, some people assert that peoples attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic. I think this kind of statement is rather assertive and lack of comprehensive understanding about the relationship between peoples attitudes and its causing factors. Merely from its literal statement, I think the most majority of people probably can hardly accept this kind of opinion as well as mine. Certainly, immediate situation or surroundings shall make a great influences on peoples attitudes , but internal characteristic of people can also make a difference. We get to have all-round and insightful thoughts to think it over.

              On one hand , undeniably, peoples attitudes are sometimes greatly influenced by outside surroundings.

              On another hand, to some extent, sometimes our attitudes are also affected by internal characteristic.

              這是個典型的由第二類開頭模式造成的跑題,在討論個別情況的限定條件時作者沒有給出具體的限定條件,于是造成在論證過程中兩面沒有比較性,這個方面,如何如何,那個方面,如何如何,最后,兩個方面,怎樣怎樣。注意題目的敘述是more,就是說作者沒說一定哪個方面有哪個方面沒有,而是一個比較型的題目,因此要對這兩種情況的條件進行比較,因此在開頭需要表明態度,至少說一句Since the situations vary so diversely, we cannot make an absolute conclusion that ... is more than .... 不然文章論證內容跟題目就沒有了契合點。





              In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists -- people who can provide broad perspectives.

              In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.

              非常簡短的開頭,一個分句給出背景,然后給出觀點:call for a balance。同樣是題目說到more,作者用了非常直接的手段點明立場,平衡,沒有什么more不more的,誰也不more,然后后文就從兩個方面來闡述這個問題。有人可能說,這不是還是沒有重點么?沒錯,作者在二選一的選擇中沒有做出選擇,但是他的立場很明確:我就是不選擇,因為我有這些理由

              同樣道理,在遇到題目絕對敘述的時候,我們可以用平衡觀點來說,Admittedly....However, we cannot neglect....或者I dont agree...since in some aspects...這種時候開頭在兩個不同情況存在的前提下為二者達成共識形成一個中心句,就能有效統領全文了。

              以上兩種開頭可以說是最簡潔有效的,通常不超過半分鐘就能搞定,對于時間有限的同學而言很實用。但需要注意的是,這種開頭不僅僅千篇一律破壞閱卷官對你的印象,而且由于缺乏對后文內容的暗示而使文章不能有效組織。我們知道寫PAPER的時候前面會出現KEY WORDS和ABSTRACT兩個部分,用以向讀者介紹本文的結構和內容。GRE AW當然做不到這一點,但是開頭卻能起到同樣的作用。有了對后文的暗示,讀者會在過程中更有效的follow your ideas, 同時這種寫法也強迫作者在文章開始之初就規劃好全文,避免了一邊想一邊寫搞得分論點混亂的問題。



              It is unfortunate that todays educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them. It is the educators duty to determine the curriculum and the students duty to study what is presented to them.

              As an elementary educator, I believe this stance is extremist. Educators and the public must come to a middle road. The high road and the low road are intimated in this statement. I believe the high road on this topic represents a nouveau approach. Ask the students what they want to learn and study for the year; then meander, research and branch off of their interests. The low road on this topic is old fashioned and outdated. The assumptions behind this view include a magical ability by teachers to infuse reams of information, data and knowledge into students brains that then become internalized and applied by the students.




              The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things.

              I can agree with the statement above that, The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. The statement is an accurate description of how many people form great ideas from ordinary things in life. Sports are all great ideas that are made from commonplace things. What makes sports some of the best ideas is not what they began as but what they evolved into.

              非常眼熟的開頭呵呵,I can agree with...抄題, 但之后作者用三句話把文章的大體意思介紹了下,說體育如何能證明這個觀點,從而把一個很大的話題細化,方便了后文的展開。當然這篇的出發點不太好,只局限于一個領域,在評論中也認為這是此文無法拿到滿分的原因。




              背景介紹也分成幾種,比較常見的是社會背景介紹,即With the development of society/technology/informationModern world is becoming so...這種內容比較泛而且比較好寫,一般遇到大部分題倒都能套上。但由于這個概念非常泛化,所以很容易就跟觀點脫節,從而導致文章的開頭邏輯不明確,背景介紹成為廢話。


              150Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.

              Evolving with the development of technology, television and computer on internet supply human beings more and more information of the great world, such as pictures and literal introductions of many places. Should the information on television and computer take place of tourism? I do not think so. Even our visions are broadened by the information, television and computer would not prevent people from traveling, but stimulate people to do so.


              第一句能不能聯系到第二句?可以,但并不直接。supply more information跟取代旅游有什么必然聯系么?紅字部分和藍字部分的轉折缺乏聯系,這期間缺掉了一個環節,即問題的產生:由于電腦電視帶來的信息越來越多,很多地方不去都可以知道,于是乎,有的人認為旅游過時了。然后再提問,水到渠成。



              引用式。開頭引用名人名句,最俗的就是翟少成老罵的那個a coin has two sides,這種開頭難度很高,想用好也很難,在不知道題目的情況下誰也不能直接找出一句跟題目對應很好能用于引出觀點句子,所以只適用于寫過的文章。如果撞大運撞上了自己找過句子的題目,那么無疑用這種開頭會比較占便宜。

              疑問式。這里說的疑問式不是把題目用問句寫一遍然后自答,而是提出一些與題目相關的問題引起思考,從而引出文章觀點,從某種意義上說,是間接復述題目,然后將中間的邏輯點用敘述方式加以連接,從而引出主題。比如上面說到的Issue150,開頭說Ever wanted to go somewhere far in universe? Ever complained about insufficience of money which keeps you from dream place? Now with the development of internet and television, such problems can be easily solved.

              敘事式。這種開頭在長文章資訊中非常常見,似乎也是老美比較喜歡的一種開頭,我看過的雜志里至少有一半文章是這么寫的。但由于敘事對篇幅要求比較多而且不易掌握,所以在ISSUE實戰中不是很常用。還是Issue150舉個例子。I sit down in front of my PC, turn on internet and login in a cyber world. Myriad images appear, as if I have got into the opposite side of the earth. How convenient it is! So you may wonder, is tourism in need any more? 有時間的同學不妨嘗試下。




              The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things.首先要說這是一個非常龐大的開頭,對于非瘋牛級人物不推薦。


              Even the most brilliant thinkers, from Socrates to Satre, live lives in time. A childhood, an adolescence, an adulthood; these are common to me and you as well as the greatest writers. Furthermore, many of the great thinkers we esteem in our Western culture lived somewhat unevetful lives. What distinguished their life from say a common laborer was their work. Therefore, what provided the grist for their work? One might say that they were brilliant and this alone was sufficient to distinguish their lives from the masses. Intellect alone can not devise situations or thoughts from no where; there must be a basis and that basis is most common, if not always, observation of the common, of the quotidian. Critics of this idea may argue that these thinkers were products of fine educations and were well schooled in the classics. This, they may point to, is the real basis for their knowledge. I would agrue that although it may be a benefit to study classics and be well schooled in diverse disciplines, these pursuits merely refine and hone an ability each and every person has, the ability to study human nature. Where best to study human nature than in the day to day routine each one of us can witness in him or herself or those around us.

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