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            In this world,love is everywhere,which comes from your parents,strangers----It's more than your imagination!The way how people express love differs from each other.For example,father's love is strict in terms of study,mother's love is gentle and kind in daily life,and strangers will express their love through greetings or simple gesture in society.Because of love,the world will be so splendid;because of love,this society is so harmonious;because of love,the family is so warm and safe;because of love,the world is full of kind atmosphere.供參考。

            【第2句】: 形容母親的英文語句

            ** You're never too heavy for your mother to bear. But try, as you get older, to swap roles once in a while. 母親從不覺得孩子是負累。不過,在你長大以后,不妨偶爾試著交換一下角色。

            ** Take the word 'family'. Strike out the 'm' for mother and the 'y' for youth--and all you have left is 'fail'. 看看“家庭”(family)這個字眼吧。劃去代表“母親”( mother)的“m”和代表“青春”(youth)的“y”——你就只剩下了“失敗”(fail)了。

            ** A mother is one through whom God whispers love to his little children. And, yes, sometimes that voice can rise above a whisper, but only because you're not listening.


            ** A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.男人愛情人最癡,愛妻子最深,愛母親最久。

            ** If a man loves his mother, he will always love his wife. 愛母親的男人,也將會永遠愛妻子。

            ** The way to your mather's heart is to eat her food with relish. 能讓母親快樂的方法,就是有滋味地吃掉她做的食物。

            ** A mother's love is like a circle. It has no begining and no ending.母愛就像一個圓。沒有起點,也沒有終點。

            ** A mother understands what a child does not say.母親最懂孩子心。

            ** Real mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grads. It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mummy to Mother. 真正的母親都知道,孩子的成長不是用身高、年齡或年級來衡量的。它是由孩子從“媽媽”到“媽咪”到“母親”的稱呼來記錄的。

            ** A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. 母親可以取代一切,母親的地位卻無人能夠替代。

            ** A mother is a person who if she is not there when you get home from school you wouldn't know how to get your dinner, and you wouldn't feel like eating it anyway. 當你放學回家的時候,如果母親不在家里,你就不知道該吃些什么,或者什么都不想吃。

            ** Of all the things that come in numbers--plenty of rainbows, stars in the sky, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins--you have but one mother. 你可以有眾多的事物--繽紛的彩虹,閃耀的星星,兄弟姐妹,叔伯姨舅,但是你只有一個媽媽。


            【第3句】: 用簡單的英語描寫爸爸媽媽

            I love my home ,and I love more my family.I have a kind father .My father isn't very tall but always bring me security .I have a lovely mother.When I was wrong,My mother is always helped me with patience .I am very grateful to my parents.


            【第4句】: 求有關于父母的英語短句

            We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves. (除非我們自己當父母,不然我們不會知道父母的愛)

            Henry Ward Beecher

            The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (父親能為自己的孩子做的最重要的事情就是去愛孩子的媽媽)

            Theodore M. Hesburgh

            Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. (我們馬上就會開始引用媽媽說過的話了。)

            Bern Williams

            Your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life. (父母開始給了我們生命,然后他們把他們的一生也給了我們)

            Chuck Palahniuk

            The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. (一個母親一生學到最重要的事情是世界上沒有成為一個完美母親的方法,擔憂一百萬種成為好母親的方法)

            Jill Churchill

            If your parents never had children, chances are you won't, either. (如果你父母沒有孩子,你有孩子的機會也沒有了。。 這句有點神經(jīng)。)

            Dick Cavett

            A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. (母親不是讓你依靠的, 是教會你每必要的時候不去依靠她。)--就是學會獨立

            Dorothy C. Fisher

            The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children. (當母親的藝術是交給孩子生活)

            Elain Heffner

            My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. (老媽一直和我有矛盾,但是我覺得她很喜歡和我有矛盾。)

            Mark Twain

            Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same. (有些母親經(jīng)常罵人,有些母親經(jīng)常鼓勵人, 但是母愛都是一樣的)

            Pearl Buck

            There are times when parenthood seems nothing more than feeding the hand that bites you. (有時當父母就是去喂養(yǎng)咬你的孩子--- 表面上是這樣,意思是孩子有時候會反過來傷害關心自己的人。 )

            Peter De Vries

            我選了幾個好的給你。 名人名言, 希望對你有用:)

            【第5句】: 關于親情 母愛的英文語句

            Mother's Hands 母親的手 by Janie Emaus As teenagers we live in a different world from our mothers, a world where mothers hang out on the peripheries. Of course, almost everyone has one; they are unavoidable annoyances. Today, as I approach that edge, as I am the one with the teenage daughter, I look at my mother through different eyes. And I sometimes wish I could halt the years and stop her from growing older, stop her from repeating herself. 作為孩子,我們生活在和母親不同的世界里,生活在一個由母親監(jiān)控的世界里。

            當然,幾乎每個人都有一個這樣的世界,這是不可避免的煩惱。 現(xiàn)在,當我也處在監(jiān)控的位置上,當我也成為一個女孩的母親時,我開始從另一個角度來看我的母親。

            有時候,我希望自己能夠讓時間停止,讓我的母親不再變得衰老,讓她不再一遍遍地嘮叨。 We sit at my kitchen table as the sun designs a mosaic of light on the tile floor. My daughter, Anna, sits next to my mother. "When is Rick going to be here?" my mother asks, referring to my husband. "I don't know, Mom," I answer patiently. "He'll be here for dinner." 我們坐在餐桌旁邊,陽光照在地板上,形成馬賽克狀的光斑。

            我的女兒安娜就坐在我母親旁邊。 “瑞克什么時候來?”母親問。

            瑞克是我的丈夫。 “我不知道,媽媽,”我耐心地回答,“他會來這兒吃飯。”

            I sigh and get up from the table. This is at least the tenth time she has asked that question in as many minutes. While my mother and daughter play Monopoly, I busy myself making a salad. "Don't put in any onions," Mom says. "You know how Daddy hates onions." 我嘆了口氣,站起身來。不大一會工夫,她已經(jīng)問了不下十遍了。

            媽媽和女兒在玩強手棋,我則忙著做沙拉。 “別放洋蔥,”媽媽說,“你知道你爸爸有多討厭洋蔥。”

            "Yes, Mom," I answer, shoving the scallions back into the fridge. I scrub off a carrot and chop it into bite-size pieces. I thrust the knife into the carrot with more force than is necessary. A slice falls onto the floor. “好的,媽媽。”我回答道,順手把洋蔥又塞進冰箱。


            有一片羅卜掉到了地上。 "Don't put any onions in the salad," she reminds me. "You know how Daddy hates onions." This time I can't answer. I just keep cutting. Chopping. Tearing. If only I could chop away the years. Shred the age from my mother's face and hands. “沙拉里一點洋蔥也不要放,”她提醒我,“你知道你爸爸有多討厭洋蔥。”

            這次我沒有回答。 我只是不停地切著、剁著、流著淚。


            My mother had been beautiful. She still is. In fact, my mother is still everything she has been, just a bit forgetful. I try to convince myself that's all that it is, and if she really concentrated, she would not repeat herself so much. There isn't anything wrong with her. 母親一直都很漂亮。現(xiàn)在也是。


            她并沒有什么毛病。 I cut off the end of the cucumber and rub it against the stalk to take away the bitterness. The white juice oozes out the sides. Wouldn't it be nice if all unpleasant situations could be so easily remedied? Cut and rub. This is a trick I have learned from my mother, along with a trillion other things: cooking, sewing, dating, laughing, thinking. I learned how to grow up. I learned the art of sorting through emotions. 我切下黃瓜的一端,用它在黃瓜上摩擦以消除苦味。



            And I learned that when my mother was around, I never had to be afraid. So why am I afraid now? 而且我知道,只要母親在旁邊,沒有什么東西可以讓我害怕。 那么,現(xiàn)在我為什么害怕呢? I study my mother's hands. Her nails are no longer a bright red, but painted a light pink, almost no color at all. And as I stare at them, I realize I am no longer looking at those hands but feeling them as they shaped my youth. Hands that packed a thousand lunches and wiped a million tears off my cheeks. Hands that tucked confidence into each day of my life. 我仔細端詳母親的手。


            這是一雙為我裝過成千上萬次午餐,無數(shù)次從我的臉頰擦去淚水的手,是一雙在我生命中的每一天都給我信心的手。 I turn away and throw the cucumber into the bowl. And then it hits me. My 。

            【第6句】: 關于對父母表達爰的句子

            【別老母】 搴幃拜母河梁去, 白發(fā)愁看淚眼枯. 慘慘柴門風雪夜, 此時有子不如無 中華詩詞-清-黃景仁 向來多少淚,都染手縫衣 “父書空滿筐,母線縈我襦”(史騏生《寫懷》) 十月胎恩重,三生報答輕.——《勸孝歌》 青天悲吟聲聲淚,聲聲呼嚴父;碧水苦訴字字血,字字哭慈母. 勞苦莫教爹娘受,憂愁莫教爹娘耽.慈母愛子,非為報也.〖漢〗劉安 十月胎恩重,三生報答輕.《勸孝歌》 一尺三寸嬰,十又八載功.《勸孝歌》 母稱兒干臥,兒屎母濕眠.《勸孝歌》 母苦兒未見,兒勞母不安.《勸孝歌》 老母一百歲,常念八十兒.《勸孝歌》 尊前慈母在,浪子不覺寒.《勸孝歌》 萬愛千恩百苦,疼我孰知父母?《小兒語》 白頭老母遮門啼,挽斷衫袖留不止.〖唐〗韓愈 母儀垂則輝彤管,婺宿沉芒寂夜臺.《格言集錦》 慈母手中線,游子身上衣.臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸.誰言寸草心,報得三春暉.〖唐〗孟郊 昔孟母,擇鄰處.子不學,斷機杼.《三字經(jīng)》 母親,人間第一親;母愛,人間第一情.字嚴 世上惟一沒有被污染的愛——那便是母愛.字嚴 成功的時候,誰都是朋友.但只有母親——她是失敗時的伴侶.鄭振鐸 哀哀父母,生我劬勞.《詩經(jīng)》 無父何怙,無母何恃?《詩經(jīng)》 父之美德,兒之遺產(chǎn).字嚴 父母德高;子女良教.《格言對聯(lián)》 有子且勿喜,無子固勿嘆.〖唐〗韓愈 人見生男生女好,不知男女催人老.〖唐〗王建 天下無不是的父母;世間最難得者兄弟.《格言聯(lián)璧》 為人父母天下至善;為人子女天下大孝.《格言聯(lián)璧》 父兮生我,母兮鞠我,撫我,畜我,長我,育我, 顧我,復我.《詩經(jīng)》 父不慈則子不孝;兄不友則弟不恭;夫不義則 婦不順也.〖南北朝〗顏之推 人生內(nèi)無賢父兄,外無嚴師友,而能有成者少矣.〖宋〗呂公著 父母所欲為者,我繼述之;父母所重念者,我親厚之.《格言聯(lián)璧》。

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