【第1句】: 霧都孤兒英文句子及評析
【第1句】:'“Please, Sir, I want some more.”' … Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel. Pg. 12 【第2句】: '“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”' …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver's heart and gave him courage. Pg. 54 【第3句】: “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver's head; and then to the boy's face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is. Pg. 90 【第4句】: '“Am I,' said the girl [Nancy] 'Take care I don't overdo it. You will be the worse for it Fagin, if I do; so I tell you in good time keep clear of me'”…Nancy protecting Oliver from Fagin's beatings. This line foreshadows the downfall of the Jew brought about by Nancy's hand. Pg. 126 【第5句】: “the mother, when the pains of death first came upon her, whispered in my ear that if her babe was born alive, and thrived, the day might come when it would not feel so much disgraced to here it's poor young mother named…whether it be a boy or girl, raise up some friends for it in this troubled world; and take pity upon a lonely and desolate child, abandoned to its mercy.” …the old nurse sally told Mrs. Corney when she was dying. Pg. 189-190 【第6句】: “ 'When the boy is worth a hundred pounds to me, am I to lose what chance threw me in the way of getting safely, through the whims of a drunken gang that I could whistle away the lives of! And me bound, too, to a born devil, that only wants the will and has the power'”…Statement by Fagin to Nancy that shows the depth of his greed and exploitation of the people around him. Pg. 201-202 【第7句】: 'But even if he has been wicked,' pursed Rose, 'think how young he is, think that he may never have known a mother's love, or the comfort of a home; and that ill-usage and blows, or the want of bread, may have driven him to herd with men who have forced him to guilt. Aunt, dear aunt, for mercy's sake, think of this, before you let them drag this sick child to a prison, which in any case must be the grave of all his chances of amendment.'”…The powerful speech by Rose that saves Oliver from going to prison. This speech is also a statement by Dickens about the effectiveness of the prison system in saying that it does not reform people. Pg. 231 【第8句】: “If I had been less- less fortunate, the world would call it; if some obscure and peaceful life had been my destiny; if I had been poor, sick, helpless; would you have turned from me then? Or has my probable advancement to riches and honour, given this scruple birth?”…Harry during his proposal to Rose wondering if he had a different station life, would she accept his offer. Dickens says here that love need not have money to be happy, and actually states that the lesser the money or station in life, the happier two people may be, because money corrupts people. Pg. 280 【第9句】: “…raising herself with difficulty, on her knees, drew from her bosom a white handkerchief –Rose Maylie's own, and holding it up, in her folded hands, as high towards heaven as her feeble strength would allow, breathed one prayer for mercy to her maker” …A powerful passage, Dickens illustrates that Nancy, with her final act of good helping Oliver that she too, like Rose Maylie, was not evil any longer. Pg.383 【第10句】:“ 'Not Aunt,” cried Oliver, throwing his arms about her neck: 'I'll never call her aunt –sister, my own dear, sister, that something taught my heart to love so dearly from the first! Rose, dear, darling Rose!'” Oliver's joy at finally having a loving family member who will love him comes through, because his story is all about his search for a family and love. Pg. 424 e when it would not feel so much disgraced to here it's poor young mother named…whether it be a boy or girl, raise up some friends for it in this troubled world; and take pity upon a lonely and desolate child, abandoned to its mercy.” …the old nurse sally told Mrs. Corney when she was dying. Pg. 189-190 【第6句】: “ 'When the boy is worth a hundred pounds to me, am I to lose what chance threw me in the way of getting safely, through the whims of a drunken gang that I could whistle away the lives of! And me bound, too, to a born devil, that only wants the will and has the power'”…Statement by Fagin to Nancy that shows the depth of his greed and exploitation of the people around him. Pg. 201-202 【第7句】: 'But even if he has been wicked,' pursed Rose, 'think how young he is, think that he may never have known a mother's love, or the comfort of a home; and that ill-usage and blows, or the want of bread, may have driven him to herd with men who have forced him to guilt. Aunt, dear aunt, for mercy's sake, think of this, before you let them drag this sick child to a prison, which in any case must be the grave of all his chances of amendment.'”…The powerful speech by Rose that saves Oliver from going to prison. This speech is also a statement by Dickens about the effectiveness of the prison system in saying that it does not reform people. Pg. 231 【第8句】: “If I had been less- less fortunate, the world would call it; if some obscure and peaceful life had been my destiny; if I had been poor, sick, helpless; would you have turned from me then? Or has my probable advancement to riches and honour, given this scruple birth?”…Harry during his proposal to Rose wondering if he had a different station life, would she accept his offer. Dickens says here that love need not have money to be happy, and actually states that the lesser the money or station in life, the happier two people may be, because money corrupts people. Pg. 280 【第9句】: “…raising herself with difficulty, on her knees, drew from her bosom a white handkerchief –Rose Maylie's own, and holding it up, in her folded hands, as high towards heaven as her feeble strength would allow, breathed one prayer for mercy to her maker” …A powerful passage, Dickens illustrates that Nancy, with her final act of good helping Oliver that she too, like Rose Maylie, was not evil any longer. Pg.383 【第10句】:“ 'Not Aunt,” cried Oliver, throwing his arms about her neck: 'I'll never call her aunt –sister, my own dear, sister, that something taught my heart to love so dearly from the first! Rose, dear, darling Rose!'” Oliver's joy at finally having a loving family member who will love him comes through, because his story is all about his search for a family and love. Pg. 424 es to youThe old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweetThe world is a paradiseI use the brush copy once Windy SeasonBut not drawn out tomorrowThe book describes the mother skyThe existen。
t the petals fall poemSmog liesDesire into a nightmareCity sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to youThe old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweetThe world is a paradiseI use the brush copy once Windy SeasonBut not drawn out tomorrowHow to acid rain of loveThe poet is no longer up to heavenThe world isn'The book describes the mother skyThe existence of this worldWhat is the difference between day and nightGrey and black changeMom and dad you leave that dayMy tears are not seePerhaps only in the dream.Was clearly seen in the faceI tried to open my eyes but not to the endHow to acid rain of loveThe poet is no longer up to heavenThe world isn't the petals fall poemSmog liesDesire into a nightmareCity sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to youThe old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweetThe world is a paradiseI use the brush copy once Windy SeasonBut not drawn out tomorrowThe book describes the mother skyThe existence of this worldWhat is the difference between day and nightGrey and black changeMom and dad you leave that dayMy tears are not seePerhaps only in the dream.Was clearly seen in the faceI tried to open my eyes but not to the endHow to acid rain of loveThe poet is no longer up to heavenThe world isn'。
【第5句】: 《霧都孤兒》經典語句,要英文,帶翻譯
“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”' …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver's heart and gave him courage.“再e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333365643661見,親愛的!上帝保佑你!“……迪克跟奧利弗去倫敦的路上,這溫暖奧利弗的心,給了他勇氣。
He ate the food and wine in the stomach would turn into bile, blood clotting into the ice , the heart as hard as iron .他吃下去的佳肴美酒在肚子里會化作膽汁,血凝成了冰,心像鐵一樣硬。But we will not admit that our modern artistic claim to absolute originality is really a claim to absolute unsociability; a claim to absolute loneliness. 但我們不會承認,我們的現代藝術聲稱絕對原創絕對是一個真正的孤僻要求;一個絕對孤獨的索賠。
In indent his narrow bunks, still willing that's his coffin, he can be at peace in the church are buried in the fields, the tall weeds on his head lightly swaying, dark antique clock plays, soothe yourself forever.在縮進他那狹窄的鋪位里去的時候,仍然甘愿那就是他的棺材,他從此可以安安穩穩地在教堂地里長眠了,高高的野草在頭頂上輕盈地隨風搖曳,深沉的古鐘奏響,撫慰自己長眠不醒。Human nature is so wonderful , the same good quality never favoritism , either in the finest gentleman who develop , they can be the most foul charity school student body grow.人的本性是多么的美妙,同樣美好的品質從不厚此薄彼,既可以在最出色的君子身上發揚,又可以在最卑污的慈善學校的學生身上滋長。
Some strong-willed person subjected to the test of time parting showed admirable obedience and fortitude .With people that are determined to be tested and death showed an enviable comply with bravery.一些意志堅定的人在經受生離死別考驗時表現出令人羨慕的順從與剛毅。
【第6句】: 霧都孤兒的名句及鑒賞
【第7句】: 霧都孤兒作文
你們一定聽說過《霧都孤兒》吧! 《霧都孤兒》講述的是一個孤兒的曲折故事:奧立弗他剛出生,母親就去世了。
后來南茜被賊窩頭殺害了,警察隨即圍剿了賊窩。奧立弗被布萊羅先生收養,從此過上了幸福的生活……在書中,我看到十九世紀英國兒童凄慘的生活;在書中,我感受到人們那種至善至美的天性;在書中,我更能感受到當時的社會是多么黑暗:許多孩子正承受巨大的痛苦,與饑餓、孤獨、寒冷作斗爭…… 比起奧立弗的童年,我們的童年那么的絢麗多彩,那么充滿幸福。
我們今天坐在明亮的教室里,在這廣闊的藍天下,盡情發揮自己。我們的童年無比燦爛,而我們眼里的世界充滿了美好,祖國的未來屬于我們,那片藍天將是我們未來展翅飛翔的地方! 像奧立弗這樣的孩子不僅僅出現在書中,在我們的身邊,還有許多這樣的孩子:還記得這樣一幅廣告嗎?一位來自山區的小姑娘,睜著一雙明亮的大眼睛,喊著:“我要讀書!”從她的眼神里,我們讀到了她渴望學識的心情,看到了她渴望上學的情感…… 同學們,讓我們一齊奮發圖強,一齊記住“莫等閑,白了少年頭,空悲切!”吧,只有好好學習,讓自己成為一個對社會有用的人,這樣我們才有能力去幫助這些孩子,讓他們生活在一個陽光般的美好世界吧。