54. The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently. (5)
解釋:請原諒筆者在此所做中文翻譯的艱澀難懂,為了讓讀者能夠更好地理解句子的結構,本書盡量把中文翻譯與英文原文的語序相對應,而且盡可能的不用意譯。為了達到這個目的,可以說絞盡腦汁,但本句之難懂也全非筆者之故,原文作者使用了大量的抽象詞。本句仍然來自于上面說過的這篇關于普魯斯特的文章。句中的主語是The very richness and complexity,其后的修飾成分長達三行,of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings,其中還夾雜著插入語,有效地分開了主語和謂語。其實本句雖然結構也比較復雜,但是不見得比前面的句子復雜得多,其真正的難點,還在于句子中大量的抽象詞的使用。由于筆者在附錄中所提到的原因,抽象詞可以嚴重地占據大腦資源,因此帶有大量的抽象詞的結構復雜的句子就更為難懂,比如本句就是一個很好的例子,復雜修飾與抽象詞狼狽為奸,句意另人難以理解。
意群訓練:The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.
54. The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently. (5)
解釋:請原諒筆者在此所做中文翻譯的艱澀難懂,為了讓讀者能夠更好地理解句子的結構,本書盡量把中文翻譯與英文原文的語序相對應,而且盡可能的不用意譯。為了達到這個目的,可以說絞盡腦汁,但本句之難懂也全非筆者之故,原文作者使用了大量的抽象詞。本句仍然來自于上面說過的這篇關于普魯斯特的文章。句中的主語是The very richness and complexity,其后的修飾成分長達三行,of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings,其中還夾雜著插入語,有效地分開了主語和謂語。其實本句雖然結構也比較復雜,但是不見得比前面的句子復雜得多,其真正的難點,還在于句子中大量的抽象詞的使用。由于筆者在附錄中所提到的原因,抽象詞可以嚴重地占據大腦資源,因此帶有大量的抽象詞的結構復雜的句子就更為難懂,比如本句就是一個很好的例子,復雜修飾與抽象詞狼狽為奸,句意另人難以理解。
意群訓練:The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.