Part 2 話題預測 People:
1. a good parent you know 你知道的好家長
2. the most polite person you know 一個很懂禮貌的人
3. a person who has an important job 一個有重要工作的人
4. someone who became your friend an the first meeting 一見如故的朋友
5. an interesting person you recently met 最近認識的一個有趣的人
6. someone you helped 你幫助過的一個人
7. an old person you know and respect 一個你認識并尊敬的老人
8. a person who taught you a useful skill 一個教你有用技能的人 Place:
1. a cafe you know in your hometown 你家鄉的咖啡館
2. a library you visited 你去過的圖書館
3. a room you spend most of your time in 你久住的房間
4. a place with crowds of people 一個擁擠的地方
5. a place you worked or studied 你學習或工作過的地方
6. an interesting country 一個有趣的國家
7. a seaside place/experience 一個近海的地方/經歷
8. a place where people go to listen to music 一個人們聽音樂的地點
9. a shopping street/mall you like to go to 一條你喜歡的購物街/購物中心 Object:
1. the type of clothes you usually like to wear 你喜歡的衣服
2. a book or film you read or watched about the future 一部關于未來的書或電影
3. a useful website you like 一個你喜歡的有用網站
4. a useful electronic equipment you bought for your home 家用的有用電子設備
5. a language you would learn 想學的語言
6. a toy you liked to play when you were a child 小時候的玩具
7. an important plant in your country 貴國重要的植物
8. an advertisement make you want to buy something 一個讓你想買東西的廣告
9. a book you recommended to others 你推薦給別人的書 / a book you want to read again 一本希望再讀一遍的書
10. an interesting radio/TV program/film 有趣的電臺節目/電視節目/電影
11. a story you heard when you were a child 童年聽到過的故事
12. a photograph you like 一張你喜歡的照片 Event:
1. something useful you learned from your others 從他人那學到的有用的東西
2. a special meal/a meal you were invited to 特殊一餐/你被邀請去吃的一頓飯
3. an important/unusual job you want to do in the future 重要的/不同尋常的工作
4. a historical/traditional event in your country 一個歷史/傳統事件
5. an occasion when you were late 一次遲到的事
6. a perfect vacation away from home 離開故鄉的完美旅行
7. Math lesson you attended at primary school 小學數學課
8. a recent positive change in your life 最近的一次積極改變
9. an occasion when you helped someone 幫助別人的場合
10. a meaningful speech 一個有意義的演講
11. a show or drama or performance you watched 你看過的話劇或表演秀
12. an important message you received by phone, email or text 一條你收到的重要消息
13. a game you played when you were a child 童年的游戲
14. something you learned from a science class 在科學課上學到的東西
15. an occasion when someone visited your home 一個別人訪問你家的場合
16. a rule in your school 一條學校的規則
17. a party you want to hold recently 最近你想舉辦的聚會
18. a traveling using public transport 一次用公共交通工具的旅行
19. something happy you experienced recently 最近經歷的愉快的事情
20. a way to stay healthy 一種保健的方式
21. an outdoor picnic/activity you enjoyed 你喜歡的一次戶外野餐/戶外活動
Part 2 話題預測 People:
1. a good parent you know 你知道的好家長
2. the most polite person you know 一個很懂禮貌的人
3. a person who has an important job 一個有重要工作的人
4. someone who became your friend an the first meeting 一見如故的朋友
5. an interesting person you recently met 最近認識的一個有趣的人
6. someone you helped 你幫助過的一個人
7. an old person you know and respect 一個你認識并尊敬的老人
8. a person who taught you a useful skill 一個教你有用技能的人 Place:
1. a cafe you know in your hometown 你家鄉的咖啡館
2. a library you visited 你去過的圖書館
3. a room you spend most of your time in 你久住的房間
4. a place with crowds of people 一個擁擠的地方
5. a place you worked or studied 你學習或工作過的地方
6. an interesting country 一個有趣的國家
7. a seaside place/experience 一個近海的地方/經歷
8. a place where people go to listen to music 一個人們聽音樂的地點
9. a shopping street/mall you like to go to 一條你喜歡的購物街/購物中心 Object:
1. the type of clothes you usually like to wear 你喜歡的衣服
2. a book or film you read or watched about the future 一部關于未來的書或電影
3. a useful website you like 一個你喜歡的有用網站
4. a useful electronic equipment you bought for your home 家用的有用電子設備
5. a language you would learn 想學的語言
6. a toy you liked to play when you were a child 小時候的玩具
7. an important plant in your country 貴國重要的植物
8. an advertisement make you want to buy something 一個讓你想買東西的廣告
9. a book you recommended to others 你推薦給別人的書 / a book you want to read again 一本希望再讀一遍的書
10. an interesting radio/TV program/film 有趣的電臺節目/電視節目/電影
11. a story you heard when you were a child 童年聽到過的故事
12. a photograph you like 一張你喜歡的照片 Event:
1. something useful you learned from your others 從他人那學到的有用的東西
2. a special meal/a meal you were invited to 特殊一餐/你被邀請去吃的一頓飯
3. an important/unusual job you want to do in the future 重要的/不同尋常的工作
4. a historical/traditional event in your country 一個歷史/傳統事件
5. an occasion when you were late 一次遲到的事
6. a perfect vacation away from home 離開故鄉的完美旅行
7. Math lesson you attended at primary school 小學數學課
8. a recent positive change in your life 最近的一次積極改變
9. an occasion when you helped someone 幫助別人的場合
10. a meaningful speech 一個有意義的演講
11. a show or drama or performance you watched 你看過的話劇或表演秀
12. an important message you received by phone, email or text 一條你收到的重要消息
13. a game you played when you were a child 童年的游戲
14. something you learned from a science class 在科學課上學到的東西
15. an occasion when someone visited your home 一個別人訪問你家的場合
16. a rule in your school 一條學校的規則
17. a party you want to hold recently 最近你想舉辦的聚會
18. a traveling using public transport 一次用公共交通工具的旅行
19. something happy you experienced recently 最近經歷的愉快的事情
20. a way to stay healthy 一種保健的方式
21. an outdoor picnic/activity you enjoyed 你喜歡的一次戶外野餐/戶外活動