美文欣賞: 孩子教給我們的15個快樂小秘訣

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            美文欣賞: 孩子教給我們的15個快樂小秘訣

            Every morning my daughter and I go for a twenty-minute walk to my workplace. For me, in those twenty minutes, Im in transit. For my toddler, its nothing less than a parade of flowers, fire trucks, pebbles, and friendly folk. 每天清晨,我的女兒都跟我一起步行20分鐘去我工作的地方。對于我來說,在那20分鐘里我只不過是在路上。但對于我那剛會走路的小孩兒,這完全就是一場熱鬧的游行,隊伍中有鮮花、消防車、鵝卵石和友好的人們。

            One morning, I noticed that a sweet old man, amused by my toddler, was watching her with a smile on his face. As we crossed his path, he chuckled to himself, Children have all the fun! 一天早上,我注意到一位和藹的老人,他被我的小孩兒逗樂了,面帶笑容地注視著她。當我們走過他跟前的小路時,他自己咯咯笑起來,孩子們總是那么快樂!

            Hes right. They do. And clearly, Im missing out! My age is no good reason for me to miss out on this street party! 他說得對。孩子們是這樣的。很明顯,我正錯失了這些快樂!就算我年紀大了,我也沒有理由錯過這街頭派對!

            Now, I try to remember that fun is a perspective. Its not a force bound within the walls of amusement parks. The days that I remember this, it makes all the difference. 現在我努力去記住:樂趣是一種思考問題的角度。它不是被游樂場的墻壁束縛、身在其中才能感受到的力量。我記住了這一點,我的生活變得完全不同。

            Line-ups are a great way to make new friends. Dusting is a contemporary dance. My world is a playground. 排隊成了結交新朋友的一個好方法。打掃衛生的同時可以跳個舞。我的世界就是個游樂場。

            We are born with a complete understanding of fun, which seems to fade over time and conditioning. I say we learn a thing, or 15, from children. 我們天生就完全理解什么是樂趣,但是樂趣似乎隨著時間和周圍條件而逐漸消失了。我認為我們應該從孩子們那里學習一件事,或者說是15件事。

            1. Be where you are. 活在當下。

            Kids are really good at enjoying the moment. Adults are addicted to thinking about all the things we have to do tonight, tomorrow, next week. Where you are is where the fun is. Nowhere else. 小孩子真的很善于享受當前的時刻。成年人則沉溺于思考我們必須在今晚、明天、下周做的所有事情。當下就是樂趣所在。別無他處。

            2. Learn something new。 學習新鮮事物。

            From new words to new facial expressions, kids are constantly mastering new skills. Make it a point to continuously be learning something, anything. Arent we the ones who tell our kids that learning is fun? 從新單詞到新表情,小孩子在不斷掌握新的技能。努力做到持續不斷地學習,學習任何事物都可。不正是我們告訴孩子們學習很有趣的嗎?

            3. Get out of your comfort zone。 走出舒適區。

            Toddlers take risks all day long. As we mature, we tend to stay in our safe place. Your day will be so much more exciting if you gather the guts to wear hot pink pants. 蹣跚學步的小孩兒一整天都在冒險,而我們這些已經成熟的人卻傾向于呆在我們的安全地帶。如果你鼓起勇氣穿上熱辣的粉色短褲,那么你的這一天會更加令人興奮。

            4. Find the beat。 尋找節奏。

            While adults would find a car alarm loud and obnoxious, my daughter dances to the rhythm of the beat. Seek out the symphony in the background noise. 成年人或許覺得汽車警報喧鬧、令人討厭,然而我的女兒卻隨著警報的節奏翩翩起舞。挖掘周圍噪音中的交響樂曲吧。

            5. Smile 27 times more than you do。 微笑增加27次。

            Ive heard that children smile 400 times a day and adults, only 15. Smiling is the catalyst to having fun. 我聽說孩子每天笑400次,而成年人卻只有15次。笑是開心的催化劑。

            6. Notice nature。 關注自然。

            Every child is in awe of ants, birds, and dandelions. At some point, we become creatures of the concrete jungle. Allow yourself to be enamored by Mother Nature. 每個孩子都敬畏螞蟻、小鳥和蒲公英。不知從何時起,我們變成了水泥叢林里的生物。讓自己沉浸在大自然之中吧。

            7. Climb things。 攀登。

            As soon as they discover their legs, kids start climbing everything. There is something about being above ground level that is somewhat thrilling. Climb a rock. Climb a tree. Youll feel like the master of the universe. 一旦小孩子發現自己雙腿的用途,他們就開始攀爬各種東西了。高出地平面這件事有那么點兒令人興奮。爬上塊石頭,爬上顆樹,你會感覺自己好似宇宙萬物的主宰。

            8. Embrace your flaws。 欣然接受你的缺陷。

            Being self-conscious is stifling. My toddler brings more attention to her Buddha belly than I ever would. But she also has more fun. 有自知之明會壓抑個性的發揮。我的寶貝會比我更關注她的胖嘟嘟的小肚子,但她還是有那么多快樂。

            9. Use your imagination。 發揮你的想象力。

            A child can get lost in her make-believe world for hours. Imagine riding an elephant in Thailand. Or running a marathon on the Great Wall of China. Youll have so much fun pretending that you might want to make it a reality which leads to more fun than you can imagine. 小孩子會好幾個小時沉浸在虛幻的世界里。想象在泰國騎上一頭大象,或是在中國長城跑馬拉松。設想你或許要把它變成現實,你會有非常多的樂趣這本身就比你想象的更加有趣。

            10. Be unpredictable。 難以捉摸。

            There is no knowing what a kid will get up to next. Step out of your ordinary routine and youll be surprised at how liberated youll feel. 人們不知道小孩子下一步要做什么。打破常規,你會驚訝地發現自己感覺多么自由啊。 11. Hand out highfives。 舉手擊掌。

            For no reason at all, kids hand out high fives like they just won gold at the Olympics. Next time you hear some good news, give somebody a high five. It feels good to get pumped about the little things. 沒有任何原因,小孩子會互相舉手擊掌,好像他們剛剛贏得了奧運金牌。下一次你聽到好消息的時候,跟某人舉手擊掌吧。為點滴小事而興奮感覺很好。

            12. Slow down。 放慢速度。

            Children know how to take their sweet time. Allow yourself enough time to enjoy living. Rushing sucks all the fun out of the day. 孩子們知道如何度過甜蜜的時光。給自己充分的時間去享受生活吧。行事匆匆會毀掉一天中所有的樂趣。

            13. Create。 創造。

            Paint, draw, build, write. Kids clearly enjoy those activities. Fun is being in your creative element. 粉刷、繪畫、建筑、寫作。小孩子顯然很喜歡那些活動。快樂存在于你的創造元素中。

            14. Get dirty。 弄臟自己。

            Kids arent afraid to experience life hands on. Get right in there. Make sandcastles. Turn up a log. 小孩子不怕自己動手體驗生活。來吧。堆沙堡,轉圓木吧。

            15. Break the rules。 打破規矩。

            Fun doesnt follow all the rules. Neither do kids. If it doesnt hurt, go for it! Leave those pretty Christmas lights up year-round. 快樂并不總是符合規矩的。對小孩子來說也是。如果無傷大雅,那就來吧!一整年都開著那些漂亮的圣誕彩燈吧。

            Every morning my daughter and I go for a twenty-minute walk to my workplace. For me, in those twenty minutes, Im in transit. For my toddler, its nothing less than a parade of flowers, fire trucks, pebbles, and friendly folk. 每天清晨,我的女兒都跟我一起步行20分鐘去我工作的地方。對于我來說,在那20分鐘里我只不過是在路上。但對于我那剛會走路的小孩兒,這完全就是一場熱鬧的游行,隊伍中有鮮花、消防車、鵝卵石和友好的人們。

            One morning, I noticed that a sweet old man, amused by my toddler, was watching her with a smile on his face. As we crossed his path, he chuckled to himself, Children have all the fun! 一天早上,我注意到一位和藹的老人,他被我的小孩兒逗樂了,面帶笑容地注視著她。當我們走過他跟前的小路時,他自己咯咯笑起來,孩子們總是那么快樂!

            Hes right. They do. And clearly, Im missing out! My age is no good reason for me to miss out on this street party! 他說得對。孩子們是這樣的。很明顯,我正錯失了這些快樂!就算我年紀大了,我也沒有理由錯過這街頭派對!

            Now, I try to remember that fun is a perspective. Its not a force bound within the walls of amusement parks. The days that I remember this, it makes all the difference. 現在我努力去記住:樂趣是一種思考問題的角度。它不是被游樂場的墻壁束縛、身在其中才能感受到的力量。我記住了這一點,我的生活變得完全不同。

            Line-ups are a great way to make new friends. Dusting is a contemporary dance. My world is a playground. 排隊成了結交新朋友的一個好方法。打掃衛生的同時可以跳個舞。我的世界就是個游樂場。

            We are born with a complete understanding of fun, which seems to fade over time and conditioning. I say we learn a thing, or 15, from children. 我們天生就完全理解什么是樂趣,但是樂趣似乎隨著時間和周圍條件而逐漸消失了。我認為我們應該從孩子們那里學習一件事,或者說是15件事。

            1. Be where you are. 活在當下。

            Kids are really good at enjoying the moment. Adults are addicted to thinking about all the things we have to do tonight, tomorrow, next week. Where you are is where the fun is. Nowhere else. 小孩子真的很善于享受當前的時刻。成年人則沉溺于思考我們必須在今晚、明天、下周做的所有事情。當下就是樂趣所在。別無他處。

            2. Learn something new。 學習新鮮事物。

            From new words to new facial expressions, kids are constantly mastering new skills. Make it a point to continuously be learning something, anything. Arent we the ones who tell our kids that learning is fun? 從新單詞到新表情,小孩子在不斷掌握新的技能。努力做到持續不斷地學習,學習任何事物都可。不正是我們告訴孩子們學習很有趣的嗎?

            3. Get out of your comfort zone。 走出舒適區。

            Toddlers take risks all day long. As we mature, we tend to stay in our safe place. Your day will be so much more exciting if you gather the guts to wear hot pink pants. 蹣跚學步的小孩兒一整天都在冒險,而我們這些已經成熟的人卻傾向于呆在我們的安全地帶。如果你鼓起勇氣穿上熱辣的粉色短褲,那么你的這一天會更加令人興奮。

            4. Find the beat。 尋找節奏。

            While adults would find a car alarm loud and obnoxious, my daughter dances to the rhythm of the beat. Seek out the symphony in the background noise. 成年人或許覺得汽車警報喧鬧、令人討厭,然而我的女兒卻隨著警報的節奏翩翩起舞。挖掘周圍噪音中的交響樂曲吧。

            5. Smile 27 times more than you do。 微笑增加27次。

            Ive heard that children smile 400 times a day and adults, only 15. Smiling is the catalyst to having fun. 我聽說孩子每天笑400次,而成年人卻只有15次。笑是開心的催化劑。

            6. Notice nature。 關注自然。

            Every child is in awe of ants, birds, and dandelions. At some point, we become creatures of the concrete jungle. Allow yourself to be enamored by Mother Nature. 每個孩子都敬畏螞蟻、小鳥和蒲公英。不知從何時起,我們變成了水泥叢林里的生物。讓自己沉浸在大自然之中吧。

            7. Climb things。 攀登。

            As soon as they discover their legs, kids start climbing everything. There is something about being above ground level that is somewhat thrilling. Climb a rock. Climb a tree. Youll feel like the master of the universe. 一旦小孩子發現自己雙腿的用途,他們就開始攀爬各種東西了。高出地平面這件事有那么點兒令人興奮。爬上塊石頭,爬上顆樹,你會感覺自己好似宇宙萬物的主宰。

            8. Embrace your flaws。 欣然接受你的缺陷。

            Being self-conscious is stifling. My toddler brings more attention to her Buddha belly than I ever would. But she also has more fun. 有自知之明會壓抑個性的發揮。我的寶貝會比我更關注她的胖嘟嘟的小肚子,但她還是有那么多快樂。

            9. Use your imagination。 發揮你的想象力。

            A child can get lost in her make-believe world for hours. Imagine riding an elephant in Thailand. Or running a marathon on the Great Wall of China. Youll have so much fun pretending that you might want to make it a reality which leads to more fun than you can imagine. 小孩子會好幾個小時沉浸在虛幻的世界里。想象在泰國騎上一頭大象,或是在中國長城跑馬拉松。設想你或許要把它變成現實,你會有非常多的樂趣這本身就比你想象的更加有趣。

            10. Be unpredictable。 難以捉摸。

            There is no knowing what a kid will get up to next. Step out of your ordinary routine and youll be surprised at how liberated youll feel. 人們不知道小孩子下一步要做什么。打破常規,你會驚訝地發現自己感覺多么自由啊。 11. Hand out highfives。 舉手擊掌。

            For no reason at all, kids hand out high fives like they just won gold at the Olympics. Next time you hear some good news, give somebody a high five. It feels good to get pumped about the little things. 沒有任何原因,小孩子會互相舉手擊掌,好像他們剛剛贏得了奧運金牌。下一次你聽到好消息的時候,跟某人舉手擊掌吧。為點滴小事而興奮感覺很好。

            12. Slow down。 放慢速度。

            Children know how to take their sweet time. Allow yourself enough time to enjoy living. Rushing sucks all the fun out of the day. 孩子們知道如何度過甜蜜的時光。給自己充分的時間去享受生活吧。行事匆匆會毀掉一天中所有的樂趣。

            13. Create。 創造。

            Paint, draw, build, write. Kids clearly enjoy those activities. Fun is being in your creative element. 粉刷、繪畫、建筑、寫作。小孩子顯然很喜歡那些活動。快樂存在于你的創造元素中。

            14. Get dirty。 弄臟自己。

            Kids arent afraid to experience life hands on. Get right in there. Make sandcastles. Turn up a log. 小孩子不怕自己動手體驗生活。來吧。堆沙堡,轉圓木吧。

            15. Break the rules。 打破規矩。

            Fun doesnt follow all the rules. Neither do kids. If it doesnt hurt, go for it! Leave those pretty Christmas lights up year-round. 快樂并不總是符合規矩的。對小孩子來說也是。如果無傷大雅,那就來吧!一整年都開著那些漂亮的圣誕彩燈吧。

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