An epidemic is affecting students worldwide; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones, laptops, iPads and gaming consoles. It is the “iHunch”, the forward curve of the upper back caused by constantly looking down at a smartphone or similar device. The iHunch can result in permanent curvature of the spine and is the underlying problem of most neck and back issues and up to 50 percent of headaches.
The screens of the electronic devices we are consistently using cannot be separated from the keyboard, so students are forced to bend over at the upper back in order to use them, unlike desktop computers which can be set up to be reasonably ergonomically safe.
An epidemic is affecting students worldwide; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones, laptops, iPads and gaming consoles. It is the “iHunch”, the forward curve of the upper back caused by constantly looking down at a smartphone or similar device. The iHunch can result in permanent curvature of the spine and is the underlying problem of most neck and back issues and up to 50 percent of headaches.
The screens of the electronic devices we are consistently using cannot be separated from the keyboard, so students are forced to bend over at the upper back in order to use them, unlike desktop computers which can be set up to be reasonably ergonomically safe.