雅思口語考試中關于advice的問題,一般只出現在part 2和part 3的環節中,卡片題的內容通常是describe some good/useful advice you received,而隨后的part 3中,考官會從各個方面就advice設置問題進行提問,內容主要涉及young people,professionals等,問題較為抽象并且深入,在考試中難免給考生們帶來壓力。在本文中,將主要就part3當中常出現的典型問題進行探討,并給出一些實用建議以供考生們參考。
一. Advice常見問題之young people
關于young people 的問題是此類話題中使用最為頻繁的,涉及的方面也比較豐富,通常包括以下幾個方面:
1. 意愿
真題重現:Are young people more inclined to accept advice from their friends or from their parents?
句型: 意愿: 偏好:
1) X is willing to 1) X prefersto
2) X would if X should 2) X would prefer to
3) X is reluctant to 3) X would rather than
4) X is inclined to
5) X is unwilling to
Well,most of the young people would prefer to ask their friends for some advice,I guess,especially when they have problems about school or personal relationship,you know ,its easier to communicate with someone their own age,but when they need help about something like future career,they would rather turn to their parents for help,because parents are usually more experienced about that
雅思口語考試中關于advice的問題,一般只出現在part 2和part 3的環節中,卡片題的內容通常是describe some good/useful advice you received,而隨后的part 3中,考官會從各個方面就advice設置問題進行提問,內容主要涉及young people,professionals等,問題較為抽象并且深入,在考試中難免給考生們帶來壓力。在本文中,將主要就part3當中常出現的典型問題進行探討,并給出一些實用建議以供考生們參考。
一. Advice常見問題之young people
關于young people 的問題是此類話題中使用最為頻繁的,涉及的方面也比較豐富,通常包括以下幾個方面:
1. 意愿
真題重現:Are young people more inclined to accept advice from their friends or from their parents?
句型: 意愿: 偏好:
1) X is willing to 1) X prefersto
2) X would if X should 2) X would prefer to
3) X is reluctant to 3) X would rather than
4) X is inclined to
5) X is unwilling to
Well,most of the young people would prefer to ask their friends for some advice,I guess,especially when they have problems about school or personal relationship,you know ,its easier to communicate with someone their own age,but when they need help about something like future career,they would rather turn to their parents for help,because parents are usually more experienced about that