一般來說,SAT 寫作真題題目由Prompt + Assignment 這兩部分組成。Prompt 是給考生提供理解Assignment 的線索,而Assignment 中的問題則是在作文中要回答的。
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
The discovery that someone we admire has done something wrong is always disappointing and disillusioning. Yet even when people we consider heroes have been tarnished by their faults, they are no less valuable than people who appear perfect. When we learn that an admired person, even one who is seemingly perfect, has behaved in less than admirable ways, we discover a complex truth: great ideas and great deeds come from imperfect people like ourselves.
Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
SAT寫作考試時間為25分鐘,在這25分鐘的時間內,考生需要理解所給的SAT寫作真題題目的含義,并寫出一篇結構完整的文章來。由于SAT 是針對高中生升大學的考試,因此寫作話題不需要具備單項的專業背景知識,但話題涉及范圍卻非常廣泛,包括文學、藝術、運動、政治、技術、科學、歷史及時事。
值得學生注意的是,SAT 的Official Guide 中清楚地說明了The essay readers are not looking for one correct viewpoint 。所以有些考生企圖竭力尋找一個觀點,借此討好閱卷老師,這種做法是沒有意義,也是浪費時間的。你選擇什么樣的立場其實并不重要,重要的是你能否做到運用簡潔清晰恰當的例子,推理論證你持有的觀點。
一般來說,SAT 寫作真題題目由Prompt + Assignment 這兩部分組成。Prompt 是給考生提供理解Assignment 的線索,而Assignment 中的問題則是在作文中要回答的。
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
The discovery that someone we admire has done something wrong is always disappointing and disillusioning. Yet even when people we consider heroes have been tarnished by their faults, they are no less valuable than people who appear perfect. When we learn that an admired person, even one who is seemingly perfect, has behaved in less than admirable ways, we discover a complex truth: great ideas and great deeds come from imperfect people like ourselves.
Do we benefit from learning about the flaws of people we admire and respect? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
SAT寫作考試時間為25分鐘,在這25分鐘的時間內,考生需要理解所給的SAT寫作真題題目的含義,并寫出一篇結構完整的文章來。由于SAT 是針對高中生升大學的考試,因此寫作話題不需要具備單項的專業背景知識,但話題涉及范圍卻非常廣泛,包括文學、藝術、運動、政治、技術、科學、歷史及時事。
值得學生注意的是,SAT 的Official Guide 中清楚地說明了The essay readers are not looking for one correct viewpoint 。所以有些考生企圖竭力尋找一個觀點,借此討好閱卷老師,這種做法是沒有意義,也是浪費時間的。你選擇什么樣的立場其實并不重要,重要的是你能否做到運用簡潔清晰恰當的例子,推理論證你持有的觀點。