2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。 A novel coronavirus 一種新型的冠狀病毒 Fingers crossed 祈求好運 A new virus worries a twitchy world 一個新病毒令焦躁的世界惶惶不安 MOST of the time, for most people, respiratory diseases such as influenza and the commoncold are little more than a snotty inconvenience. 對于大多數人來說,諸如流感和普通感冒這樣的呼吸系統疾病在大多數時候帶給他們的不便不過是不時流出來的鼻涕罷了。 Occasionally, though, the viruses that cause them mutate into something truly nasty. 不過引起這些疾病的病毒偶爾也會變異成異常兇險的東西。 The Spanish flu of 1918 may have killed more people than the first world war. 死于1918年西班牙流感的人數可能比死于第一次世界大戰的人數還要多。 More recently, there have been worries about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003and a strain of flu known as H5N1 in 2008, though neither created the pandemicresearchers feared they might. 近幾年,人們曾經擔心過2003爆發的嚴重急性呼吸綜合癥和2008年爆發的H5N1流感,不過最終兩者都未發展為研究人員擔心的大規模流行疾病。 Now such viruses are in the news again. 現在資訊里又出現了此類病毒的報道。 Over the past few months two men have been ill with a previously unrecorded type. 在過去的幾個月中,已有兩名男子因未曾記錄過的病毒類型而致病。 One, in Saudi Arabia, has died. 其中,在沙特阿拉伯的一名病人已死亡。 The other, who had recently been there, is seriously ill in a London hospital. 另一名病人此前剛去過那里,現正在一家倫敦醫院,情況危重。 According to the World Health Organisation, the culprit is a sort of coronavirus, the samefamily as the bug that causes SARS. 根據世界衛生組織的消息,罪魁禍首是一種冠狀病毒,與造成SARS的病毒屬于同一類。 Having had close calls with both SARS and H5N1, the world is watching and waiting to see ifthis new virus possesses the combination of infectiousness and lethality that made thosetwo diseases such a worry. 在僥幸逃過SARS和H5N1后,全世界正在密切注視著這種新病毒是否結合了之前兩種病毒的高傳染性和致命性,正是這兩種特性使得這兩個疾病令人們擔心不已。 With a sample size that so far stands at just two, it is hard to know much for certain,although the new bug seems to cause rapid kidney failure in those it infects. 由于迄今為止樣本量只有2例,所知有限,雖然已有證據表面這種新的傳染病似乎會讓其感染者的腎臟快速衰竭。 The WHO is looking for other cases, but for now most bug-watchers seem cautiously relaxed. WHO正在尋找其他病例,但至少現在大多數的病毒專家似乎持謹慎樂觀態度。 Indeed, it may be that its discovery shows how well the world s health-monitoring system isworking. 事實上,該病毒被世人發現可能正說明了世界健康監視系統正運轉正常。 Andrew Easton, a virologist at the University of Warwick, reckons the new bug may havecome to doctors attention only because of the surveillance systems set up in the wake ofSARS and H5N1. Warwick大學的病毒專家Andrew Easton估計這種新病毒能吸引醫生的注意正是因為在SARS和H5N1后建立起來的監視系統。 詞語解釋 1.mutate into 變異成 Scientists warn that the virus could mutate into amuch deadlier form. 科學家們警告,該病毒可能變異成更致命的形式。 Experts fear the virus could mutate into a formthat could be transmitted between. 專家擔心病毒可能會變異為能在人際之間傳播的病毒。 2.according to 根據,按照 Again this is according to recently declassified information. 這也還是根據最近解密的信息得知的。 It did not go according to plan. 這個妥協方案并沒有按計劃執行。 3.wait to 等待 Oh, I can t wait to get sous-neath him. 噢,我都快等不及要上了。 Can t wait to her the new music! 實在等不及聽到他們的新專輯啦! 4.set up 建立;準備; 安排 Saudi arabia has set up an anti-corruption agency. 沙特已經建立了一個反腐機構。 The students also set up debating teams. 學生們還成立了辯論隊。
2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。 A novel coronavirus 一種新型的冠狀病毒 Fingers crossed 祈求好運 A new virus worries a twitchy world 一個新病毒令焦躁的世界惶惶不安 MOST of the time, for most people, respiratory diseases such as influenza and the commoncold are little more than a snotty inconvenience. 對于大多數人來說,諸如流感和普通感冒這樣的呼吸系統疾病在大多數時候帶給他們的不便不過是不時流出來的鼻涕罷了。 Occasionally, though, the viruses that cause them mutate into something truly nasty. 不過引起這些疾病的病毒偶爾也會變異成異常兇險的東西。 The Spanish flu of 1918 may have killed more people than the first world war. 死于1918年西班牙流感的人數可能比死于第一次世界大戰的人數還要多。 More recently, there have been worries about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003and a strain of flu known as H5N1 in 2008, though neither created the pandemicresearchers feared they might. 近幾年,人們曾經擔心過2003爆發的嚴重急性呼吸綜合癥和2008年爆發的H5N1流感,不過最終兩者都未發展為研究人員擔心的大規模流行疾病。 Now such viruses are in the news again. 現在資訊里又出現了此類病毒的報道。 Over the past few months two men have been ill with a previously unrecorded type. 在過去的幾個月中,已有兩名男子因未曾記錄過的病毒類型而致病。 One, in Saudi Arabia, has died. 其中,在沙特阿拉伯的一名病人已死亡。 The other, who had recently been there, is seriously ill in a London hospital. 另一名病人此前剛去過那里,現正在一家倫敦醫院,情況危重。 According to the World Health Organisation, the culprit is a sort of coronavirus, the samefamily as the bug that causes SARS. 根據世界衛生組織的消息,罪魁禍首是一種冠狀病毒,與造成SARS的病毒屬于同一類。 Having had close calls with both SARS and H5N1, the world is watching and waiting to see ifthis new virus possesses the combination of infectiousness and lethality that made thosetwo diseases such a worry. 在僥幸逃過SARS和H5N1后,全世界正在密切注視著這種新病毒是否結合了之前兩種病毒的高傳染性和致命性,正是這兩種特性使得這兩個疾病令人們擔心不已。 With a sample size that so far stands at just two, it is hard to know much for certain,although the new bug seems to cause rapid kidney failure in those it infects. 由于迄今為止樣本量只有2例,所知有限,雖然已有證據表面這種新的傳染病似乎會讓其感染者的腎臟快速衰竭。 The WHO is looking for other cases, but for now most bug-watchers seem cautiously relaxed. WHO正在尋找其他病例,但至少現在大多數的病毒專家似乎持謹慎樂觀態度。 Indeed, it may be that its discovery shows how well the world s health-monitoring system isworking. 事實上,該病毒被世人發現可能正說明了世界健康監視系統正運轉正常。 Andrew Easton, a virologist at the University of Warwick, reckons the new bug may havecome to doctors attention only because of the surveillance systems set up in the wake ofSARS and H5N1. Warwick大學的病毒專家Andrew Easton估計這種新病毒能吸引醫生的注意正是因為在SARS和H5N1后建立起來的監視系統。 詞語解釋 1.mutate into 變異成 Scientists warn that the virus could mutate into amuch deadlier form. 科學家們警告,該病毒可能變異成更致命的形式。 Experts fear the virus could mutate into a formthat could be transmitted between. 專家擔心病毒可能會變異為能在人際之間傳播的病毒。 2.according to 根據,按照 Again this is according to recently declassified information. 這也還是根據最近解密的信息得知的。 It did not go according to plan. 這個妥協方案并沒有按計劃執行。 3.wait to 等待 Oh, I can t wait to get sous-neath him. 噢,我都快等不及要上了。 Can t wait to her the new music! 實在等不及聽到他們的新專輯啦! 4.set up 建立;準備; 安排 Saudi arabia has set up an anti-corruption agency. 沙特已經建立了一個反腐機構。 The students also set up debating teams. 學生們還成立了辯論隊。